Author Topic: Help with crafting character  (Read 4166 times)

Offline Barodahn

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Re: Help with crafting character
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2010, 04:23:22 AM »
Lol, none.  2 refinements, all to enchanted items.  and the ones from thaumaturgy also.
4*3 = 12 slots.

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Re: Help with crafting character
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2010, 10:34:27 AM »
Just want to correct a misinterpretation that has sprung up in this thread.  The line about bonuses affecting all types on the item doesn't mean you can't have different bonuses for power, control, complexity, crafting strength, etc. on the same item.  What it means is that if you have a certain bonus, say +2 control to something, then if you add a control bonus to any other type of magic, it also has to be +2.  But if you put a different type of bonus on the item, like a complexity bonus, it follows its own track. 

Example:  Say my wizard character has a focus item for +2 to complexity for wards.  I can add on a +2 complexity for biomancy as well, but I can't add on a +1 complexity for it.  I can then take a +1 control for wards, but if I've already put the +2 complexity for biomancy on the item, I have to add the +1 control for biomancy as well.

You can see examples in the book of having different amounts for different bonuses on the same focus item in the entry for Russel Carson on YS pg. 388, and the discussion on pg. 302 about Harry's blasting rod indicates that this is possible as well.
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Offline Barodahn

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Re: Help with crafting character
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2010, 04:48:54 PM »
Okay, so did i build this character right or did i mess up somewhere then? i can't tell anymore

High Concept   Wielder of the Sword of Life and Death
Trouble   I don't believe in the fast stuff
Background   Weaponmaster
Rising Conflict   An enchantment for every occasion
The Story   
Guest Starring   
    I need to have aspecs that are easier to compel but i can't think of any....

Superb   Weapons, Lore
Great           Resources, Crafting
Good           Discipline, Alertness
Fair           Endurance, Presence, Rapport
Average   Scholarship, Athletics, Conviction, Empathy, Investigation

Thaumaturgy   -3, 4 enchanted item slot, specialization, crafting power +1   
The Sight            -1   
Soulgaze   0   
Wizards Constitution (replaced by supernatural recovery)   0   
Footwork (for weapons)   -1   
Item of Power (The Sword of Life and Death)   2   
Supernatural Recovery   -4   
Catch (hard time wording, see next post)   3   
refinement, 2 focus slots   -1          Power +1, Frequency +1
Refinement, 2 focus slots   -1          Power +1, Frequency +1
             or each of these could be 1 +2
Refinement, 2 specialization slots   -1   Specialization, +1 power, +1 frequency
Refinement, 4 Enchanted Item slots   -1   
Refinement, 4 Enchanted Item slots   -1   

Enchanted Item      
Base   Shifts   Effect
Katana (always weapon 3), Weapon 9, 6 uses, 2 slots, also his item of power

Armor Bracers, Block 8 or armor 4, 1 shift additional duration, 6 uses, 2 slots

Throwing Daggers, Counterspell 9, 4 uses, 1 slot

Wakazashi (akways weaon 2), Weapon 9, 4 uses, 1 slot,

Magic Arrows, Weapon   6, Effects entire zone, 4 uses, 1 slot

Potion of Speed, Athletics 6, 3 shifts for additional duration, 4 uses, 1 slot
Potion Slot   left open, 4 uses, 1 slot
Potion Slot   left open, 4 uses, 1 slot

2 free slots left i have not decided on.
(one of which will be the entangling option when i figure out how to make it work)

« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 05:43:14 PM by Barodahn »

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Re: Help with crafting character
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2010, 05:22:43 PM »
I can't read the formatting for your enchanted item slots very well, and they seem to be missing information (like how many slots each item uses, and how many uses each one has).  I'm not even sure what the effects of most of some of those items are.

Beyond that, your catch is less than +3.  Dismemberment is at least an Extreme Consequence, and Beheading sounds like a taken out effect, so that would be hard to qualify for anything on the catch.  Look at the catch for the Hags in Our World, which only get a +1 for the catch which works with any physical consequence.
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Offline Barodahn

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Re: Help with crafting character
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2010, 05:28:48 PM »
Oops. Okay, that should be clearer now

Did i go wrong somewhere in this calculation?
I think part of the problem i have is that i think the catch really needs to be worded/worked a bit differently for recovery, since it is not Bypassing toughness per-say, but saying what he doesn't recover from...i could change it to magic perhaps, since as you can tell he is essentially a weapon user....

Catch Calculation
Protects against everything +0
Bypassed by something anyone could reasonably get access to.  Anything being removed/cut off the body won't heal, limb, ear, hair, finger, head, etc is my basic idea for the catch +2, and swords or something that can do that are pretty easy to get.
Something researchable, +1 (background for the character is he comes from a family of swordsmiths and enchanters, and they often make sword of healing and the like)

Edit: Would something like sword must be sheathed work as a catch also?? So the recovery won't actually be usable in combat unless he can sheath it?
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 05:53:47 PM by Barodahn »

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Re: Help with crafting character
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2010, 05:45:42 PM »
just FYI for character play...

This site might be fun to use for those spell words

Dislexicon: The English Language Extender

This is what I got when I typed in the word 'fire'
New Word             Components                      Definition
1:    firephore            fire-phore                              bearer of fire
2:    fireaqueous    fire-aqueous                      watery fire
3:    fireate            fire-ate                              resembling or characterized by fire
4:    spirarefire            spirare-fire                      breathe fire
5:    fireize            fire-ize                              to cause to be or to become fire
6:    fireably            fire-ably                              performing in a manor worth of fire
7:    firevore            fire-vore                              to eat, devour fire
8:    hematofire    hemato-fire                      blood fire
9:    prefireosis      pre-fire-osis                      abnormal condition or process of before or prior to fire
10:    fireine            fire-ine                              made of or resembling fire
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-John Lennon-

Offline luminos

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Re: Help with crafting character
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2010, 06:04:22 PM »
@Barodahn  Most of those items look correct.  The magic arrows are actually a weapon 7 effect.  I'm don't believe the potion of speed is kosher.  You can have magic mimic the use of a skill, but not give you the skill altogether.  so it could be a 6 shift sprint effect that lasts 3 rounds, or a 6 shift dodge effect, or a 6 shift (insert other athletics trapping) effect, but all of those together does not work.

Your problem with calculating the catch is that its an abnormal catch in and of itself, so it makes sense that the explicit methods given in the book for calculating it don't work.  The spirit of the rules for coming up with the catch value is to figure out how likely it is for one of your opponents to bring the catch into play (non-accidentally).  It just so happens that the Hecatean hags give a very good example of this kind of catch.  They have a +1 catch, and any kind of physical consequence whatsoever brings it into play.  Of course, that catch doesn't work well with recovery powers since those powers only mean something when consequences come into play.  But still, that is a good guideline of how to value the catch. 

Protects against everything +0, you have this part correct

Bypassed by something anyone could reasonably get access too... No.  Being able to dismember and behead your character is not something that anyone could reasonably be able to do.  Not even close.  Such an accomplishment is only possible if they've pretty much already beat you in a fight.  Even a +1 here is stretching it by a lot. 

Something Researchable - Do they have to know you in order to know what to research?  If so, its not worth anything.  If its something that someone could find through research before ever knowing anything about you, and then realize that it applies to you, then its a +1.
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Offline Barodahn

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Re: Help with crafting character
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2010, 06:23:23 PM »
Hm, going to have to rethink the catch thing i guess then.
thanks for the magic arrows, i thought zone effect was 3 shifts

okay, so magic can only effect ONE trapping of a skill at a time then?

Would this work for a capture type spell, Offensive block 6, 3 shifts to duration? Is that all it would take to prevent them from doing things? (don't want it to be damaging)

On catch value, so how about making it an out of combat heal only? So you don't get to clear minor consequences? He could only have it operate while sheathed? Would that work for a catch?  What value might that be worth?
What would say w sheathed + meditating be worth?

and wow that was a barrage of questions, ... maybe i should just take out some refinements and have less limited healing? i mean, right now he is kind of an insane starting character anyway....