I've tried to go back and edit mine a couple of times, but it never came to anything. I know what needs fixing, both in specific and in general, but I haven't been able to stand it. I 'blah' over large chunks of it. That means even I'M bored with my novel. Yikes. That said, I was re-reading Donald Maass's excellent "Writing the Breakout Novel" book and got an epiphany on how to fix a large chunk of the story.
And I finally figured out how to write the beginning correctly. I've known from the day I set it down that the ending was awful; it meandered, it babbled, it droned on and on. Now it's better. Ok, it's no "I opened the door and Morgan fell bleeding at my feet" in terms of media res, but it's much, much better.
Just wondering if anyone else is still working on theirs.