Author Topic: Limits of Channeling; oversight in the text?  (Read 2446 times)

Offline Jared

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Limits of Channeling; oversight in the text?
« on: April 22, 2010, 10:02:19 PM »
The text for Channeling says:
“Channeling” is one of the many general names given to a lesser form of Evocation that is only able to use one particular element.

My question is whether anyone has played with loosening the element restriction. In the margin, Billy says that he didn't know whether to give Mortimer Channeling in ectomancy. That suggests that there can be 'thematic' channeling just like there is thematic thaumaturgy/ritual, but the text for the former lacks the thematic mention of the latter two.

Given this apparent contradiction, I presume that this is an oversight in the Channeling description?

So, if the above is true, has anyone made a Focused Practitioner with such a thematic Channeling "element"? If so, would you mind describing them here? The one (excepting ectomancy) that occurred to me is illusions, but I would like to hear others' ideas.

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Re: Limits of Channeling; oversight in the text?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2010, 10:04:21 PM »
Channeling + Ectomancy = Spirit Channeling.
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Offline Mal_Luck

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Re: Limits of Channeling; oversight in the text?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2010, 10:12:56 PM »
My main FC I've been toying with is what I call a Magnetomancer (got the idea from iago, I believe)

Channels the Earth Element, focusing mostly on Magnetism... hence Magnetomancer. Via magnetism, he uses lightning and the electromagnetic spectrum. He had three rote spells and two focus items and one refinement.

Fulgurantus (Earth [lightning] Attack, Four Shifts) – Directs a bolt of magical lightning at a target. Requires Lightning Cuffs to cast.
Magne-Fortis (Earth [Magical Magnetism] Block, Four Shifts) – creates a hemispheric shield in front of Faraday’s, uses one shift for persistence. Requires the Shield Cuff.
Spectrum Bending (Earth [Electromagnetic Spectrum] Veil, Three Shifts)

Lightning Cuff (+1 Offensive Power, +2 Offensive Control for Earth); Cuff on his right wrist designed for enhancing and controlling Earth Evocations.
Shield Cuff (+1 Defensive Power, +1 Defensive Control for Earth); Used only for Magne-Fortis spell – On his left wrist for enhancing and controlling defensive Earth energies for the Mange-Fortis spell.

If he ever progresses to full evocation, he'll use Earth, Fire, and Spirit(Air and Water don't fit, neither does Fire really... but it fits better)
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Offline Abrakus

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Re: Limits of Channeling; oversight in the text?
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2010, 11:59:37 PM »
I'm playing a lowly apprentice, so took Channeling and Ritual instead of Evocation and Thaumaturgy, and the whole concept is that he was being fast-tracked for Warden training (because of the War) so just focused on combat evocations and item creation, but nothing else.

I've got Channeling: Spirit, but no access to veils, light or spirit attacks, so I can only create force effects, and Ritual: Item Creation, to craft my focus items, but no other ritual work.

Three Rotes:
"Pulsus!" (Spear of Force) Weapon 4 kinetic attack, tied to focus ring
"Repello!" (Shield of Force) Block 5 kinetic effect, tied to shield gauntlet
"Elevare!" (Force Manuever) Manuever 4 kinetic, to give something a temporary aspect, like DISARMED, or SMASHED (You can tell subtlety is something his teacher is still trying to convey)

Two Focus Items
Spirit Ring: +2 to Discipline rolls using Spirit Evocation Attacks (uses two slots)
Spirit Gauntlet: +2 to Discipline rolls using Spirit Evocation Defenses (uses two slots)

Offline Biff Dyskolos

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Re: Limits of Channeling; oversight in the text?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2010, 12:16:33 AM »
I've got Channeling: Spirit, but no access to veils, light or spirit attacks, so I can only create force effects, and Ritual: Item Creation, to craft my focus items, but no other ritual work.

I don't think you need to take Ritual(Item Creation) to create your foci. Channelling gives you two focus item slots, which would be pointless if you could not also create those focus items. You would only need to take Ritual if you wanted to create enchanted items.

The above is not explicitly stated in the text but if you read the description for Thaumaturgy:Wards (YS:277) states,

Specialized practitioners focused on wards are able to embed other effects in their wards—such as wardflames or landmines—even if they cannot create those spell effects independent of a ward.

By extension, since channelling grants you focus slots, you know just enough about crafting to make your foci and nothing more.