2700 words written this afternoon.
Which given that since just before Christmas when I finished the through draft of something that is looming over me wanting a major and complex through edit, the only fiction-writing-type work I have managed to do is a through pass on a different project and sending it to a specific beta-reader*, because I've been too tired from work panic to get anything done, is a huge relief.
It's SF, far future, large interstellar setting, starting off as a fairly small-scale mystery but with threads leading in all directions, it's also a big and weird universe where it's going to be an interesting challenge to get all the necessary information across to the reader to get what's going on, without breaking the discipline of a tight first-person POV.
*Unlike Jim's usage, I have for many years been talking about the people who read my stuff chapter by chapter as alpha readers, and the people who read complete manuscripts when done as betas.