Author Topic: group composition  (Read 14976 times)

Offline Ink Slinger

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Re: group composition
« Reply #30 on: February 13, 2010, 02:59:45 PM »
I'm very interested to see if my group picks up TDFRPG.  I know at least half the group wants to (the ones that have read the books, though our normal GM doesn't want to be GM all the time for it.  He wants to play and not know the details of what we'll face ahead of time) and the other half the group is apathetic and not readers. 

But, knowing our group...
    -pretty much all the characters will be snarky
    -at least one wizard
    -oversexed Sidhe female
    -a member of law enforcement
    -a young wizard or vamp(probably white court) still new to their abilities and learning to use them (probably my character there.  I never do anything the easy way)
    -a Tank-ish character whose player we always have to remind of the fact that he is not God.
    -a shady magic user that you never quite know which side they're playing for