Author Topic: Character help  (Read 4287 times)

Offline Bearclaw

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Character help
« on: October 16, 2017, 06:02:10 PM »
I'm making a shape-shifter / werewolf.  BUT I really like the World of Darkness were-wolf, where the fear of going berserk and killing everyone around is an issue.  So, here's my powers.  I used Feeding Dependency as a mechanic for him shifting into the hulking windigo form.  Feeding on live, resisting prey is the answer for the feeding dependeny.  Not specifically people.  When he's not in the middle of a fight, he can go off and hunt a rabbit or something. But in a fight, he's likely to shift, being just as much of a danger to his party as the bad guys.  Please tell me if what I've done makes sense and if it seems "cheaty" or not.

Powers/Stunts -8
Echos of the beast -1
Inhuman recovery -2
 -the catch = silver +2
Beast change (wolf) -1 affecting
Claws -1
Inhuman Strength -2
Inhuman Speed -2
Feeding dependency +1 affecting involuntary change. 
Human Form (involuntary change) +2 affecting:
Hulking size -2
Supernatural toughness / catch - silver -2

Offline Bearclaw

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Re: Character help
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2017, 06:16:19 PM »
So, he always has Inhuman Recovery and Echos Of The Beast.
In wolf form he adds inhuman speed, inhuman strength and claws.
In Windigo form, he adds hulking size and supernatural toughness.

Offline wardenferry419

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Re: Character help
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2017, 09:09:25 PM »
I am not familiar with RPG building. But, I like the idea of his smelling of blood causes a feeding fenzy, like sharks.
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Offline Taran

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Re: Character help
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2017, 10:31:27 PM »
Your character looks good.  Just a couple of things:

You have a -2 recovery power and a +2 catch.  You don't get the full rebate because a power always has to cost something.  So, your recovery power costs -1 no matter what, or you can boost your toughness powers to -4.

Wait, nevermind, I see you have an upgrade to Supernatural.

I think we need to reorganize your powers a bit:

Echos of the beast -1
Inhuman recovery -2
 -the catch = silver +2
Beast Change -1
Human Form +1 affecting:
- Inhuman Strength -2
- Inhuman Speed -2
- Claws -1
Human Form upgrade: Involuntary Change +1 (affecting):
- Feeding Dependency +1 (affecting)
- Hulking size -2
- Inhuman toughness (catch already factored in) -2

O.k, now that I write it, it's pretty much the same as what you have.  My only feedback is that Feeding Dependency might not be appropriate.

If your main powers were based on Feeding dependency, and you get taken out by Hunger, your Take Out condition could be becoming the Wendigo:  (basically covered under Failure Recovery of feeding dependency - skipping a scene or feeding forcefully to have you recover).  Is that what you intend?  If so, you are investing 6 refresh into powers that might rarely get used (depending on your discipline skill)

As it's written, the Feeding Dependency only affects the powers you use while in Wendigo form.  But that that point, isn't he already over the edge?  Are you forced to use all the powers in the form?

I actually think Blood Drinker is more appropriate.  See Feeding Frenzy (YS189):
Feeding Frenzy. When in the presence of heightened
emotions and willing victims, you feel a
nearly uncontrollable urge to feed. The GM
is within her rights to call for Discipline rolls
to resist the urge. In some cases, the urge may
take the form of a compel against your high

Which is exactly what you seem to be describing.  You probably don't have the refresh for that though....
« Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 11:56:35 AM by Taran »

Offline Bearclaw

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Re: Character help
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2017, 02:30:33 PM »
What I'm going for is:
Everything supernatural effects the hunger.  When he heals faster, it's hunger stress.  If he shifts, it's hunger stress.  If he uses his power in a fight it's hunger stress.  If his girlfriend flips out about the dishes left in the sink, it's hunger stress.  And eventually, it will force him into Windigo.

Once I work out the mechanics of THAT, I'll start working out how to mechanically say that he's mostly a mindless killing machine at that point.

edit -> I read feeding frenzy again.  I think blood frenzy is the way to go.  Basically, when in Windigo, literally anything alive requires a discipline check to not kill it.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 05:37:39 PM by Bearclaw »

Offline Taran

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Re: Character help
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2017, 06:26:20 PM »
Let's rejigger:

Echos of the beast -1
Blood Drinker -1
Inhuman recovery -2
  -Catch +2 (silver)

+1 Feeding Dependency affecting the following Powers (does not include the bonus refresh):

+1 Human Form
   - Beast Change -1
   - Inhuman Strength -2
   - Inhuman Speed -2
   - Claws -1

+1 Human Form upgrade: Involuntary Change(When taken out by Hunger; in the presence of blood; or at times of stress(GM dependent) (affecting):
  - Hulking size -2
  - Inhuman tougness -2

9 refresh

Drop a power, maybe speed or increase you catch to +3 (research?)

Blood Drinker is with you at all times, even in human form, which makes you a bit of a cannibal..  If you want it only to be available in your wolf form, move it there.  So, as soon as you change shape, the bloodlust kicks in.  But, I'd make it independent of Feeding Dependency.

If you go Full Wendigo, you are likely to be taken out by Hunger at the end of a fight since you have to resist a 10 shift hit.

Maybe Feeding Dependency doesn't affect your Wendigo powers, only your base powers.

Remember, you can avoid taking Hunger stress by paying out in powers.  Losing your powers lets you absorb stress.  Once you have no powers left, you don't make for a very dangerous Wendigo.  But, maybe, at that point, you let the Hunger stress take you out and you gain all the Wendigo powers?

TBH Feeding Dependency is a strange power that most people try to avoid.  You get the same effect as just taking compels.

There are some custom powers that might be better for you.  I'll post them when I have time.

Offline Bearclaw

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Re: Character help
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2017, 06:39:09 PM »
Yea, I like where you're going.  Except:

The way I understand it, that 10 point stress hit would just force him to feed, right?  That's what I was thinking anyway. 
The idea is, when he hulks out, the blood lust is upon him, and he wants to bathe in blood.  Pretty much like the Loup Garou. Mechanically, he's just going to have to make a blood frenzy check every single round, until he fails or the GM just compels it.

The rest of the time, under stress, he's actively trying to NOT hulk out and kill everything in sight.  If he fails a check and goes Blood Frenzy, he automatically shifts into the Garou, or Windigo form and chews on someone.  Or everyone. 

He can even do it on purpose, I think.  But again, when he shifts, it's like dropping a grenade, and friend and foe alike are endangered.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Character help
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2017, 08:17:35 AM »
You're probably better off just using Blood Drinker and Compels. Feeding Dependency isn't really the best-written Power. And going by what you've said about the experience you want, I don't think it's likely to give you what you're hoping for.

Offline Bearclaw

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Re: Character help
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2017, 09:49:05 PM »
You're probably right, but I'm at 9 refresh already, and I had to downgrade the toughness :)

Offline Bearclaw

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Re: Character help
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2017, 06:16:49 PM »
OK, I did some changing around again.  If anyone is still here, this is what I think I'm going to go with:

Powers/Stunts -8
Echos of the beast -1
Supernatural recovery -4
  -Catch +3 (silver)(everyone knows silver hurts werewolves)
+1 Feeding Dependency affecting the following Powers (does not include the bonus refresh):
+1 Human Form
   - Beast Change -1
   - Inhuman Strength -2
   - Inhuman Speed -2
   - Claws -1
+1 Human Form upgrade: Involuntary Change(When taken out by Hunger; in the presence of blood; or at times of stress(GM dependent) (affecting):
  - Hulking size -2
  - Demonic Co-pilot -1

The Demonic Co-pilot both gives a boost to everything, and fills him with a rage and a need to kill.  I think it will be fun.

Offline Taran

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Re: Character help
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2017, 06:21:17 PM »
My only critique is moving human form out from under feeding dependency.

I hope your discipline is good cause you are going to be taking lots of hunger stress.

Offline Bearclaw

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Re: Character help
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2017, 06:50:25 PM »
Yea, that's the idea.  He's a normal guy, most of the time.  But when shit gets stressful, he has to fight hulking out and laying waste to everything that moves.

Offline Taran

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Re: Character help
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2017, 03:19:14 AM »
Remember that you can absorb Hunger stress in 4 ways:

1. Stress boxes
2. Consequences
3. Losing powers
4.  Take no stress and just be Taken Out.

You can model 3 as resisting the urge and having your Hunger starving.  But when you get taken out, going berserk should probably give you access to the powers you lost, otherwise you won't be very dangerous.....

In fact, maybe your "go crazy" powers shouldn't even be under Feeding Dependency.

I still think blood drinker fits.  Maybe even better than demonic co-pilot.  Although they are similar.  I'm curious how your character will play out in a game. 
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 03:20:47 AM by Taran »

Offline Bearclaw

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Re: Character help
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2017, 05:26:49 PM »
It's a submerged power level, so I can spend the 9th refresh for Vampirism.  Taste of death, in combination with supernatural recovery would be amazingly powerful.

edit -> But vampirism doesn't fit my picture of the guy.  He's not one of the damned.  He doesn't see people as food.  He's a protector.  I don't really even like the feeding dependency, I'm just trying to find some way to model the "some times he just hulks out" behavior mechanically.  I guess I could just drop that whole thing though.  His Trouble is The Demon Inside.  So between that and the demonic co-pilot, we could model it pretty well I guess.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 05:40:40 PM by Bearclaw »