Author Topic: Fractured cities (My players keep out)  (Read 2400 times)

Offline cold_breaker

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Fractured cities (My players keep out)
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:29:57 PM »

So it's been brought to my attention that I've been abusing the rules a bit much. I'm running an intro adventure for my group (the setting has been detailed somewhat on these boards before. I've avoided too many details so as not to give them to my players yet, but I'd like to detail the current status and hopefully people can suggest things I'm doing wrong, and ways to do it right.

As an overview: The setting contains no major vampire presence. We've stuck with primarily Wild Fae and mortals for reasons that'll be expanded upon throughout the adventure. Essentially, the city has 2 factions: The mortals who wish to keep the city in mortal control (including a paramilitary faction that harkens its roots to german witch hunters and still likes to use crossbows and the odd enchanted item) and the changelings, were's and minor practicioners who are still disorganized but finally realizing they're a faction.

An important thing to know about this particular setting is that, due to an aspect of the setting, there's a difference between changelings and Fae scions here. Some have the choice, but most are stuck in limbo, unable to make a choice to be either human or fully fae.

As par for this adventure, I chose a mildly Romeo and Juliet style story: Angelo is a hunter who falls in love with Jules, a changeling Fae. When Angelo is kidnapped, Jules and her friends assume that the Hunters have discovered their love affair and chosen to make an example of the pair. She contacts the group to help her and they discover (too late!) that it was not the hunters that took Angelo, but rather Jules sisters - who wish to frame the Hunters for Angelo's death and trick Jules into making her choice.

The major spoiler that my group hasn't seen yet? Jules is a Morrigan changeling. I've statted up her full form to be eventually a harpy with the ability to evoke rage and bloodlust in anyone en masse around her. Her sisters hope to capture her once her choice is made and sacrifice her in a ritual that should supercharge their own natures and allow them to also make the choice to become Morrigan. Once her choice is made, she'll be the real deal whether she likes it or not and will be compelled to start war and cause bloodshed.

Now, the group has rescued the boyfriend and are trying to catch up to Jules, who's been doing her own investigating while trying to avoid capture from the hunters, who in turn want her for questioning. They're arriving at a forest kegger in the area where they were told to meet up with her. About an hour in, the party werewolf gets a scent and wanders away, into a clearing where she finds the sisters plan coming together: They've lured the hunters to investigate something at the clearing, then used glamours to make it look like they've just finished hanging Angelo - just as Jules was wandering by. I've left the game at a cliffhanger as Jules screams and makes her change: intent on revenge on the hunters.

My intention for next session is to stick the group in the middle of a battlefield. The kegger filled with people nearby will be attracted to the ruckus and noise, and the Morrigan will use her power to rile the werewolves into a bloodthirsty mob. With tensions high already between the werewolves and hunters, all hell will break loose.

At this point, the group does not know the identities of the real culprit and only has hints as to whats going on. Admittedly, there has been a lot more railroading then I'd like so far: partially my bad GMing, partially just necassary railroading to put the group together and get a story going. From here on out, I'd like to open the game up and let the players run with it. I haven't decided how the battle will turn out (other than badly - this will be a messy combat that is more or less unwinnable if you take the attitude that winning is killing everyone) or even if the sisters will successfully capture their now morrigan sister.

So, thats it! My question is, how would you run this going forward? How do I open it up and kill off the railroading that's gotten to this point? I'm looking for suggestions please.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 02:41:41 PM by cold_breaker »

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Re: Fractured cities (My players keep out)
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2013, 04:46:40 PM »
To get the ball rolling:

I expect to open up my next session with a description of the Morrigan transformation (which I'll spare you here for brevity sake) and then all hell breaking loose. I expect the rest of the group to catch up to the party member at the scene - although if they decide to run away or stay put while everyone is running off drunkenly to investigate the screaming and noise, I'll figure out how to run with that.

Once the group is reunited (assuming they all investigate) - they will find themselves surrounded by berserked werewolves - The group will also be hit by a mental attack from the Morrigan, but I'm assuming they'll all resist. It's a fairly strong maneuver to make them all bloodthirsty which I will compel them to 'kill the enemy at all costs' with.

Either way, they'll be surrounded by berserker werewolves that will attack the group. Considering they're not all focused on the group, I'm thinking they'll only be in direct combat with 3 or 4 at a time. I'm gonna look to the players to decide what direction they want to take the scene from there. There's a couple of obvious solutions:

1) They could try to escape from the battle field and figure out exactly what happened later.
2) They could mindlessly try to fight it out. The werewolves by and large will tend to retreat after taking a moderate consequence, but theirs about an infinite supply of them for all intensive purposes.
3) They could try to find the sisters and investigate. They'll find a trail that leaves the scene but goes cold shortly after. I might toss in some hints as to who the girls are if they go this route.
4) If nothing else, Angelo will appear from the melee (or possibly be with the group already) and insist on getting to Jules, even if she is a Morrigan. I might play out a combat where the goal is to fight to the Morrigan and, if she sees a live Angelo, she'll flee the scene, ending the conflict. The players will then be free to properly investigate and decide what to do about the whole situation.

Offline blackstaff67

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Re: Fractured cities (My players keep out)
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 05:11:02 AM »
If the PC's start out surrounded by PO'd weres, the their only options will be fight-or-flight, barring some power ful magic on their part that can cool things down, so...yeah, options 1 or 2. 

Can't make  more comment without knowing the makeup of the party--here's hoping there's at least ONE wizard/sorcerer present, or things will go wahuni-shaped. 
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.


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Re: Fractured cities (My players keep out)
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2013, 05:36:07 AM »
Beginnings can be tricky. I have a similar criticism of myself regarding rail-roading in my Odyssey in the NeverNever story. I think my players are having a good time so far, but everyone (myself included) yearns to cut loose a little after an extended prologue.

It sounds like you've come to a good point in the story to let everyone blow off a little steam. From the sounds of it, I'd make it clear to your players that their characters should probably try and work together. Other than that, why not let the chips fall where they may? You can always use GM fiat to bail the group out or get them back on the rails if you need to move the story forward.

Also, Morrigan is a type of fae in your story? I mean, I like the idea of Morrigan not being a single being (as she was a triad-goddess or three goddesses depending) but The Morrigan being a whole breed of Fae? I'd be curious to hear more about your interpretation of The Morrigan in your game!

Offline cold_breaker

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Re: Fractured cities (My players keep out)
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2013, 02:27:18 PM »
If the PC's start out surrounded by PO'd weres, the their only options will be fight-or-flight, barring some power ful magic on their part that can cool things down, so...yeah, options 1 or 2. 

Can't make  more comment without knowing the makeup of the party--here's hoping there's at least ONE wizard/sorcerer present, or things will go wahuni-shaped. 

Eh, it's Fate. Losing a fight doesn't mean death, if anything getting your ass handed to you makes for a more interesting story. My group consists of 6 players, including two casters with handicapped casting (7 refreshed, one opted for channeling, one opted to craft a few combat items but has no other combat casting) A werewolf with toughness and recovery, a were-leopard with speed, a lawyer with toughness, and a seer with no real combat potential. That said, part of me hopes things go pair shaped, but it's open for the players to get out of this.

Other than that, why not let the chips fall where they may? You can always use GM fiat to bail the group out or get them back on the rails if you need to move the story forward.

Actually? I'm trying to get off the rails completely. And keep off of them. I want them to decide the rails and I'll build the tracks in front of them a bit in the future, although I may have to figure out how to balance this out in the future.

Also, Morrigan is a type of fae in your story? I mean, I like the idea of Morrigan not being a single being (as she was a triad-goddess or three goddesses depending) but The Morrigan being a whole breed of Fae? I'd be curious to hear more about your interpretation of The Morrigan in your game!

Eh, they seemed like a good candidate for wild-fae- I could easily play them out to be too chaotic to fight into either court. In this case, I was going with a redcap-ish heirarchy: their are plenty of harpy style Fae, but the Morrigan are the top dogs. I'm going to have this incarnation to be the strongest since the originals - who haven't been seen for more than 300 years. Gives me lots of interesting ways for the story to play out. The sisters could succeed and become a new Triad, giving the players a long term new threat. They could fail, leaving only one Morrigan with a broken heart love story. We could get into what happened with the original Triad - are they alive? If so, would they confront these new upstarts? Are they dead? How? Why? I chose to leave them in Shroedingers limbo until later so I can figure out how best to make it interesting.

My main concern at this point is victory conditions. I don't know what needs to be done to successfully complete the story, and it makes me nervous. I'm hoping the players decide on a satisfactory ending of their own and I'll just fly with it, leaving tons of loose threads for later stories. We'll see.


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Re: Fractured cities (My players keep out)
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2013, 02:41:40 PM »
Interesting stuff.

Well right now it seems the players primary objectives, in order would to be to survive and find Jules right? The objectives of her other sisters need to also be revealed (about now in your story isn't a bad time for that) and their agenda thwarted. Ja feel?

Offline blackstaff67

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Re: Fractured cities (My players keep out)
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2013, 03:40:29 AM »
I'm hoping the PC's will recognize the need to hit the Concession button if/when it's necessary.  Of course, if your weres are out for blood, it won't really matter and all you've done is railroad engineer a TPK. 
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

Offline cold_breaker

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Re: Fractured cities (My players keep out)
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2013, 01:30:02 PM »
I'm hoping the PC's will recognize the need to hit the Concession button if/when it's necessary.  Of course, if your weres are out for blood, it won't really matter and all you've done is railroad engineer a TPK. 

Nah, in this case the Were's have no real gripes against the party, they're just worked into a frenzy. I've dropped the group in the middle of a chaotic battle field full of berserkers who don't know friend from foe, so working together should provide the group with enough of an advantage to make something of it. They just have to figure that out before they get KO'd.

That said, they're interested in fighting: not being malicious. They'll probably leave anyone who's gone limp alone.