Star Wars is not Technomancy its an epic space opera, yest their was some mystical elements but they didn't effect technology directly but more the living body and mind.
The Matrix is closer but not quite their in my opinion. The reason I think this is because Neo was not using magic to manipulate the Matrix but rather his mind and will. I would classify that more along the lines of Technopathy rather than Technomancy. A fine line to be sure but still one that I think is there.
From what i have seen technomancy is rather rare in pop culture. I have seen it used in RPG's in two different ways. First in Shadowrun where technomancers used magic to commune with the Ghost In the Machine GIM in the form of sprites that they could manipulate. They were essentially hackers that used spells rather than computers and astral projected themselves into the computer world. I have also seen it in the Rifts setting and to a lesser extent D&D with Techno Mages and Artaficers but that was more along the lines of infusing technology with magical properties like a gun that could fire shuriken and lighting.