The Breakdown:
She attacked with Rapport +4 which was modified by her presense (+5)
So her base attack was +5
she had the Rapport stunt "Sex Appeal"+2
she assessed that PC was horny with awareness +2 (because of the maneuvers WCV's were placing on patrons - it was a strip club)
she assessed that the PC was "going on instinct" with Empathy (+2) She had the empathy stunt to assess this in one minute
She used a Rapport maneuver to be "Looking good" +2
She spent 2 fate points to invoke 2 Aspects +4 (because of personality/mental consequences which made her act a certain way)
She rolled +3
The PC defended with a -2 (and chose not to use anything to mitigate any of the damage)
22 Shifts of damage
Because she has her own Line of Perfumes, I gave her a one time free tag/scene when dealing with the Opposite Sex when wearing the perfume. I didn't tag it because I forgot and, really, it was unnecessary.
Except for spending fate points on Aspects everything was within the scope of the game. I think he would have been taken out even without spending fate points, but it's what she would have done and in the end it ate up some FP's from the Pool that the Big Bad coudn't use later on.
Also note that the other PC's were present, in different areas of the bar. One had a "nick of time" aspect and the other(socially spec'd PC) had "guide my hand". Neither of them came to help the PC even when they knew what was going on and, like I said, I made her intentions well known to the Players before any social combat started.
My only gripe here is that I feel NPC fate points should be used basically to help influence the story. These fate points were meaning less, as even with out them, 18 shifts is enough to take out most players. Add 3 and you're at 21, combined with the -2 roll and you're actually looking at 23 stress. The +4 from TWO fate points is overkill and, oddly, I find that the heavy handed part.