Oh shweet, new replies!
Lists, got it. First and last names of my NPCs. Check. I've got a number of NPCs I've been working on, but I really should sit down and flush out a few that are key to the characters since they tie into their stories. >.>' Work for tomorrow mornin' at this rate.
Descriptive things to make people/places stand out/be unique? Hmmm.....Well, damn. Don't suppose anyone has a list like such? XD If not, I'll start forming one slowly.
Plot Hooks, hmm....Well, since I really only have one or two of the five's 'full done bio's and whatnot, that'll be hard for this time, but for future games, this is DEFINITELY going on my list.
Regarding the note book for notes n such, that'll be my laptop. I'm going to be a jerk GM probably and not allow ANY other laptop or electronic device on the table besides mine so I know no one's distracted and such, as recommended by a fellow GM at said shop.
Plus, I'm a much faster typer than I am a writer, and my laptop will also act as a buffer between me and the players if I need it to settle them down with a quick, random dice roll of impending threats and doom. Also, I love the advice from your drama teacher and will try to keep that in mind. I've had to say no on Char. Creation a few times already in terms of 'Can I start with this or that', which I disliked doing, but it seemed like one of them was kind of trying to make a power-gamer kind of setup. Meh. Still, thanks so much.
Sinker: I hear ya, but. It's easier said than done. I mean, I'm trying, but I can only work with so much as a new GM myself entirely, y'know? I'm giving them ideas and working with them as well as letting them know they're able to change things. It's just.....One loves being a punk and using Memes and stolen names/ideas, but then again, don't we all? (Blargh: First name Cave, second name: I'll just say it begins with a J. Had I ever played that game, I would've known to veto that but ah well.)
The next is overly complicated to the point his stuff makes mine look simple. The next has no gumption or belief in his character's story, which worries me, but I'm trying to work with him on that. And the other ones....ugh. I just feel like...overall, I'm letting them down as a GM, practically. I want this whole thing to be fun for all and hopefully, perhaps invoke enough interest in them to keep playing, maybe to even pick up the books/watch the tv show/etc.
Oh yeah, of the 5 of them, two have read just storm front. Another is reading it now, thanks to my copy. Another hasn't read any but likes the genre. And the last has read MAYBE to Summer Knight? Whereas I'm DYING for GS to be released, right around my birthday too!
For all:
In terms of game mechanics, still feeling iffy on a few things, but overall, much better. Also... Situation's looking like this for the actual storyline:
A.) Neutral Grounds - gather info, intro to game/etc, and first encounter: 2 zonked out thugs (They've got 5 people. I figure they can handle 'em.), interrogate, and flee scene without being caught by impending law enforcement arrival?
B.) Arrive at Eric McDummy's apartment, thinking he's the big bad, only to find him tied up and beaten to a bloody pulp with more minor enemies/thugs/thralls/baby RCI/RCVs of a little higher number/calibur present, with Eric shouting that Damocles has his girlfriend in the back and to ignore him and get to savin' the girl.
C.) The Chase: They travel to Fort McHenry, where Damocles secret lair supposedly is, and encounter park ranger Janet Walker. Might encounter a ghoul or Damocles rushing by/villain cackling from the tunnels/etc.
D.) The Chase, extended: They enter the tunnels and play cat n mouse with Damocles for a bit until they either wound him or he escapes, leading them all the way back towards Federal Hill Park, to 'his' lair.
E.) Climax: Either a fight will ensue with Damocles only to be interrupted by an NPC I may be sticking in to help them, leading to the real fight with Eric, or Damocles is gone or zonked out/etc and Eric is waiting, controlling both Damocles and/or the Caffeine-o-mancer herself along with a small pack of ghouls.
As I know players tend to surprise you, I've got room in there for changes that I expect and don't expect to occur, plus I am plotting out details for Scenario 2, which will start with a no-longer-RCI/RCV Damocles Ravenborn and/or some of his fellow RCI/minions toting a special object of power that takes them from zero to badass in a moment, linking into the BIG plot I've got. Oh, and there's to be the Super Secret Ninja Vampire Assassins in there at that point in the story as well. Fun times for all!
Thank you all so much for your help. It has immensely calmed my very soul to work with you all on this.