Author Topic: Taming the Orca  (Read 2001 times)

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Taming the Orca
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:33:45 PM »
OK.  I am in a game where my character (a young Warden who specializes in Spirit Magic) is friends with Bruno a Totem Warrior who is ridden by the spirit of Yuquot the Orca.  We are modeling this with Spirit (Demonic) CoPilot.  Now Bruno has a Discipline of 4 which is pretty damn good but if he tries to prevent Yuquot from grappling a target with his Inhuman Strength he will need to make a roll of 7 to keep himself in check.  Near impossible without any aspects or help from his friend.  So if you were working up a spell to help keep your buddy from turning some poor ususpecting innocent into chum how would you do it? 

I was thinking I could cast a spell as a Manuever that would give him a +2 to his Discipline with the Temp Aspect "Calmed Spirit" or something like that.  But what do I roll that against? The grappling roll of Yuquot?  Bruno's base Discipline?  I am a bit confused.
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Re: Taming the Orca
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2011, 11:43:12 PM »
OK.  I am in a game where my character (a young Warden who specializes in Spirit Magic) is friends with Bruno a Totem Warrior who is ridden by the spirit of Yuquot the Orca.  We are modeling this with Spirit (Demonic) CoPilot.  Now Bruno has a Discipline of 4 which is pretty damn good but if he tries to prevent Yuquot from grappling a target with his Inhuman Strength he will need to make a roll of 7 to keep himself in check.  Near impossible without any aspects or help from his friend.  So if you were working up a spell to help keep your buddy from turning some poor ususpecting innocent into chum how would you do it? 

I was thinking I could cast a spell as a Manuever that would give him a +2 to his Discipline with the Temp Aspect "Calmed Spirit" or something like that.  But what do I roll that against? The grappling roll of Yuquot?  Bruno's base Discipline?  I am a bit confused.

If your GM will let you count Bruno as a willing recipient, I think just 3-4 shift should be enough - no need to overcome his Discipline. This could also work as a Social Maneuver, trying to "talk him down," and would work the same.

If your GM rules that Yuquot is more or less in charge at the time, it would probably be an Maneuver opposed by Yuquot's Presence (if it is cowing Bruno when riding the Totem Warrior) or Yuquot's Conviction (simply to overbear its will). For a guaranteed Maneuver, you want to exceed this by 4-5 shifts, more if you fear Yuquot will be throwing down Fate Points and invoking Aspects to resist this.
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Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Taming the Orca
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2011, 11:54:16 PM »
I was thinking along the same lines with a 3-4 shift being enough but wasn't exactly sure. 

Besides what would Yuquot's Presence or Conviction be?  Demonic Co-Pilot offers nothing for determining that.  Hence my confusion. 
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Re: Taming the Orca
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2011, 11:55:39 PM »
Besides what would Yuquot's Presence or Conviction be?  Demonic Co-Pilot offers nothing for determining that.  Hence my confusion. 

That would be the GM's call. I'd guess at least 5 ranks, maybe more, in whatever skill makes sense.
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Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Taming the Orca
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2011, 12:02:14 AM »
Hmm.  Yeah.  I guess if this is going to be a recurring theme we should probably work up some stats for Yuquot.  Never know when they will come in handy.
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Re: Taming the Orca
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2011, 12:08:41 AM »
Near impossible without any aspects or help from his friend.

You might also want to be diplomatic with your GM on this, as this is treading close to trying to rules-munchkin a disadvantage away. But the spirit of your goal is still a good, dramatic one: count on your friends to help you, and without them, things could get really dark for you.

Also, the player may want to get some sort of Aspect that pertains to situations of will or control, unless his concept is that he is doomed to go berzerk unless he has companions to bolster him. The player could also be doing "navel-gazing maneuvers" to create his own Aspects to bolster his self-control.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
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Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Taming the Orca
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2011, 12:16:42 AM »
Oh yeah.  The intent is not to be a munchkin but to figure out how my character can help if Bruno loses it.  That almost happened last session and it seemed like it was something a Warden, whose main strength is dealing with spirits and ghosts, would do.  Especially for his buddy who had been there for him during some hard times.  Bruno has an Aspect to help out already but a 7 or 8 shift roll isn't easy to come by even then.
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