Author Topic: Could you take an immunity to  (Read 2360 times)

Offline Da_Gut

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Could you take an immunity to
« on: July 22, 2010, 02:18:10 AM »
White Court Vampires? Their mind powers, and even physical damage from them (Punching - not being smacked with a big sword, or shot by one?) Just them? What would the cost be?

I've got an idea for a Knight of Erzulie (Voodoo Loa of love/lust), who operates out of New Orleans. I can't see Erzulie liking the white court in any shape, way, size or fashion.

The Knight would be a famous Transvestite performer. When required, he would take on the aspect of Erzulie (i.e, be mounted by her). In Petro war form, two large poison snake whips would sprout from the back of his arms, and would inflict mental damage, and sticky tag the bitten with delirium. He would be an npc, but I think would be a ton of fun. A knight of a specified loa would be someone who is regularly mounted by said loa (marked by the power of the loa). As a general rule, the knight wouldn't serve as a mount for other loa, but this would certainly be possible in unusual situations (pay a fate point or the like).

But, do you think the immunity would be reasonable?

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Re: Could you take an immunity to
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 02:28:52 AM »
Its a bit weird as far as immunities go.  I mean, what makes a white court vampires punch different than anyone elses?  But if there is no dispute over the immunity itself, the catch would be +4 or +5.
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Offline Morgan

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Re: Could you take an immunity to
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 02:35:26 AM »
Very cool idea and concept for a character.

Immunity to all White Court Powers and even their physical attacks would probably be pretty pricey, something along the lines of an Ogre's Immunity to Magic. But at that level I'd say it would be an immunity to all forms of emotional manipulation, not just the White Court stuff.

I think a better way might be to try for a power that gives you Armor and Additional Stress against the White Court style power and attacks. Say something like an Inhuman-Mythic Emotional Toughness Power. Or maybe some stunts along the lines of the Conviction Armor and Stress Stunts.

Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: Could you take an immunity to
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2010, 02:39:20 AM »
Oh I love Erzulie and I think this is an interesting concept as well.  Huh, I made an Emissary of Ishtar and also added in a historical antagonism toward White Court Vampires.

Offline Morgan

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Re: Could you take an immunity to
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2010, 02:52:55 AM »
Well that make's a lot of sense to me as gods of lust and love probably take umbrage at a bunch of "mortals" from the White Court butting into their turf.

Also thinking about how immunity to emotional vampires might work out using toughness and recovery powers there might be a hitch, since the toughness and recovery powers and even full Immunity only work for physical stress and consequences, and emotional vampires do psychological attacks and stress which is Mental not Physical.

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Re: Could you take an immunity to
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2010, 04:43:21 AM »
Mental Immunity should work exactly the same, mechanically, though. Aside from what it applies to, of course. I wouldn't allow it without a hell of a high Catch value, but "Only Against The Powers of the White Court" is more than enough of a Catch that I'd allow it.

That would leave you vulnerable to physical attacks, but on the other hand it's potentially only a -2 power if everyone knows about it.

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Re: Could you take an immunity to
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2010, 07:50:27 AM »
I'd allow an immunity to emotional effects, for a high enough cost. The issue with being immune not only to a White Court vampire's ability to incite emotion, but also to damage dealt, even if it's just unarmed strikes, is one of internal logic and consistency for your campaign.

If there's a being in the world who can go toe to toe with any unarmed White Court vampire and not be harmed in any way, that significantly changes the balance of power. So you need to think about why, if Ezrulie hates the White Court so much that she grants her mount immunities specific to their powers and abilities, this Knight isn't instructed to kill as many of them as he can.

The Loa aren't signatories of the Accords, so as long as the Knight avoided detection by their mortal agents, the White Court would be forced to become increasingly paranoid and less openly active, closing up brothels and night clubs in favour of a more Red Court approach, moving into areas such as the sex slave trade, or operations similar to the set-up in Hostel.

Offline Wyrdrune

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Re: Could you take an immunity to
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2010, 11:12:20 AM »
I would think...

as Erzulie is the loa of love it would only protect against WCV that have to do with lust and love - House Raith. In my game - if I would allow such an Immunity - it would not protect against other Houses of the White Court, for example, House Malvora.

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Re: Could you take an immunity to
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2010, 11:49:56 AM »
That's also a fair restriction to consider.

Offline Doc Nova

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Re: Could you take an immunity to
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2010, 12:35:40 PM »
Very cool concept!  However, I would be inclined to go along with Wyrdrune's call, that the immunity would be limited to the lust-based powers of certain portions of the White Court, but not to those that dealt with fear or loathing (maybe Hunter Thompson was a WCV in Las Vegas?)