Author Topic: Veil fallout  (Read 2790 times)

Offline YPU

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Veil fallout
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:12:18 PM »
Hey, my first post here, purely out of necessity.

One of my players asked what would happen if a Veil (spirit defence that is) generates fallout, the two things I could come up with was that it would be completely impossible to look out of the veil, instead of just harder, and the other would be miss representations of the "background"

The second would pretty much give away the veil downright to anybody with some knowledge of magic I think... making veils rather limited in use with fallout, I can see how this should be so, but perhaps I am just missing some options here?

any suggestions please?

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Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: Veil fallout
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 01:21:45 PM »
As a GM it is up to you to have fun with the fallout. I like what it says in the book. Think of the really terrible thing that could happen at the given moment and use the fallout to create it.

The ideas you have come up with are good. But you could make it much much worse if you think the scene merits it. For example the fallout could place a nice scene aspect of BLINDING LIGHT or something similar, that alerts everybody the Evocator tries to hide from to his/her presence. As most veils are some kind of spirit magic you could create a blast of kinetic energy that washes out from the caster, it strength determined by the value of the fallout...

Be creative with the fallout. It should be something really bad for the Wizard. He was trying to harness more of the powers of the universe than can handle. Universe doesn't like that ... 
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Offline YPU

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Re: Veil fallout
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 02:10:36 PM »
Yea I know, but to elaborate a bit, should a fire evocation fail small things like buildings might burn down. Yet the spell still might work, with veils, which are supposed to hide the caster or an object any fallout might rather attract attention to the object, entirely preventing the point of the spell in the first place. I suppose stuff like "see and be seen, in reverse, invisible and blind" could work for fun, but its still somewhat limited.
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Offline CMEast

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Re: Veil fallout
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2010, 02:18:53 PM »
Senses veiling.
Perhaps the veil fallout would temporarily 'paint' the caster the same colour as his surroundings, maybe including floral wallpaper, poster details on his face etc or just the same colour all over i.e. bright blue or similar.
Alternatively, the casters face or image could be projected to all tv screens in the area, or everything they say is broadcast on the radio.

Mental veiling.
Everyone he was trying to hide from is suddenly convinced the caster is there and is extremely alert to any sound or movement. Or perhaps the casters thoughts can now be heard as if they are speaking.

Light veiling.
As Papa Gruff said, perhaps the caster could suddenly radiate light, or perhaps the shadows disappear, maybe the lighting completely inverts and light areas are now pitch black and dark areas are now blinding white?

Sound veiling.
Perhaps now every sound they make is magnified, pounding hearts, rustling clothes and ticking watches can be heard clearly.  

Whatever inverts the intent of the spell, and the method by which it's cast in an interesting way for storytelling. If you don't want the veil fallout to ruin their plans, perhaps those alerted guards are now easy to distract, perhaps the inverted light can be used to their advantage with some quick thinking.

Offline Leatherneck

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Re: Veil fallout
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2010, 04:47:33 PM »
Per page 256; “Fallout affects the environment or other nearby targets.” This is where the GM can put aspects on the environment or unattended targets.  The spell still happens; it just overflows in a negative way.   So I would say, the veil still works and your target is hidden. 

For sight veil, it might result in the wizard being invisible, but the building disappears with the aspect, INVISIBLE BUILDING.   Or if the wizard is in an alley behind a bar and tries to veil scent and fails, patrons in the bar get sprayed with skunk musk for an aspect, STINK TO HIGH HEAVEN.   Sound veil fallout could result in every church bell in the city ringing.  Aspect? maybe DING DONG? 


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Re: Veil fallout
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2010, 02:59:53 PM »
Im liking the invisible building fallout, thats really funny. Leatherneck is on the money, imo.

Offline Sabrel

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Re: Veil fallout
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2010, 09:31:10 PM »
There could also be unintentional targets for the effect. Perhaps the guards you're trying to ambush get veiled too. Bound to cause a stir when a thug's buddy guarding the door with him suddenly disappears, and now suddenly you have to account for an invisible enemy as well.

Offline Zolt

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Re: Veil fallout
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 03:28:17 AM »
Suggestion: Only the wizard's clothes become invisible.
I am not insane. But the voices in my head probably are.

Offline Leatherneck

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Re: Veil fallout
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2010, 04:50:17 PM »
Suggestion: Only the wizard's clothes become invisible.
Oh, that gives me an idea.  Give the companions of the wizards the aspect: EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHS.

I like the idea that Fallout should make things difficult for the Wizard, failing that, his friends.  I’m sort of looking forwards to a wizard causing fallout for a veil and me passing out notes; “Everyone except you is naked.”