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Messages - W1zardH@

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Online?
« on: January 15, 2009, 04:19:05 AM »
...a virtual tabletop called Fantasy Grounds...


Looks like something I could wind-up diggin'.

If your in need of players, I'm game.


DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Online?
« on: January 13, 2009, 01:13:44 AM »
Ooooo, even better. 

Are many people out there in the same type of predicament?  No one to game with in real life but are itching, fiendish-like, to get some real gaming in?

I think setting up something semi-official or at least, exclusive to the DFRPG Fate system, would be freggin wicked-awesome.  It'd just be nice to have a place where people, who can't game IRL can log on and have a tiny community of forums to do stuff like game, talk about character builds or get help with campaigns they're working on.

What do you think?  Is that something that can be achieved here?  And if so, is it something in demand or am i just being whimsical?


« on: January 12, 2009, 10:43:45 PM »

Is there going to be a website for forum based play?

Like something official, or maybe site-oriented around the DFRPG?  Sorta like how and are set up, but exclusively for the DFRPG "Fate" system?

I don't really get to game, not a lot of people I know still do.  I got a slew of Forgotten Realms books all in 3.5, I drool all over Shadowrun when ever I'm at the bookstore, but I've never sat down and really gamed before, like with people.  Ya know?



DFRPG / Re: what playable stuff are you hoping for?
« on: January 11, 2009, 02:03:18 AM »
Would a lycanthrope, be a playable race?

Not sure how a lycanthrope would fall under "Free Will".  They have souls.  There not totally mad like Hexenwolf right?  The lycanthrope Parker, from Fool Moon, was as self-disciplined and determined as anyone.

And if they are playable, would they be able to use any magic?


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