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Messages - Danielle/Evie

Pages: [1] 2
Author Craft / Re: Why Do You Write?
« on: February 06, 2007, 01:43:53 AM »
I can do whatever I want with it! I can include all the random pieces of information I adore, without predjudice!

and I simply love it.

Author Craft / Re: Him or me? First vs third person
« on: January 02, 2007, 08:38:40 PM »
Personally, I'd write it third person. When reading books that go back and forth between different characters all in the first person, I get confused easily. Especially if the characters dont have strong enough personalites, it can get to the point where you can barely tell the difference. Also, first person can make it a lot more personal for the reader. With third person you have the option of following someone else around for a chapter or two. With first person, that just doesnt make since.

but  that may just be me.

good luck!


Author Craft / Re: My Opening... please comment
« on: December 13, 2006, 10:16:03 PM »
wicked cool idea!!!
now...please don't hate me.  :P
The first paragraph...nice opening sentence. The problem in the beginning, I think, is so much information in only three sentences. I had to go back and re-read it before I could put all the facts in order. Actually, as far as I could see, that was your main problem. You can be patient with your information....the most important (and this is perhaps totally wrong of me) information seems to be who Caleb is, what he does, and his contemplation of what is to come. The beginning, where you say "death is only the beggining" and talk about Bevon and Bualla and the War..this seems interesting, but you just suddenly drop it. If that information is really important, I would suggest either using it to lead into Caleb's contempation of the small town or take it out from the begging and indroduce it later at a time you can devote specifically to that.
Oh...should the tapestry be capitalized? I just noticed you capitalized the Weave, and then used tapestry to further explain the "greater currents and events".
Yeah....and what I said before: i think you should just be patient with your information. Don't rush to include everything as soon as possible. It can confuse, and sometimes even bore, the reader.
All in all though...I'm really curious as to what the actual story is about! Caleb seems like a cool character, and the whole idea seems neat.
I hope I helped a little...
Good Luck!!

Author Craft / Re: Working against yourself
« on: November 26, 2006, 05:40:24 AM »
one of the biggest problems i have is making my brain shut up. i sit down to write, but many times drift off as the story continues in my imagination..and i forget to actually write.
in the actual story (when i finally get to the writing) im still struggling to make the character's lives a little bit harder for them. Part of it is similar to you, Dom...i like people to get along with eachother, and i like things to work out  for them.'s not always going to.

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: November 04, 2006, 03:22:22 PM »
I'm probably completely useless, but I'm willing to try and help

Author Craft / Re: People Watching
« on: October 31, 2006, 09:41:57 PM »
I do, sort of. I don't generally right anything down, but I go through possible senarios in my head. It's fun, and a lot of the time it ends up giving me a ton of new ideas.

Author Craft / Re: Writing under a different name
« on: October 25, 2006, 11:46:39 PM »
My real name sucks. So I write under TL Kincaid.

Kincaid? Like on purpose!?!

My name's ridiculously long, and I've never been uber comfortable with my first name, so my plan was to use my mother's maiden name. Then my initails would be E.G. rather then D.D. (which is a plus)

Author Craft / Re: Returning to a story
« on: October 25, 2006, 11:43:27 PM »
I stop wherever I stop.  Though I try NOT to do it in mid-sentence because then I go back and stare and scratch my head whilst going "Okay...what the Hell was I thinking and where'd did it scurry off to to hide whilst I wasn't looking?".

same here....
      i had to get up once to chase my dog, came back and basically sat for an hour, competely lost.

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: October 25, 2006, 11:41:52 PM »
I've got some ideas rolling around in that mysterious noggin of mine....


Author Craft / Re: Hark! (Characters)
« on: October 13, 2006, 07:33:45 PM »
I'd not dare call myself a "writer", either, but I'll toss over a penny anyway.
When I write, I start of just writing. Usually, whatever plot I started out with is NOT the plot I end up with. Same with my characters. They develop as I write them. After that first draft, I go back and slash big red lines over everything, and make it work. That tecnique worked a lot better for me then anything else..but that's only for the few short stories I've written. I'm still trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to do that novel...

Author Craft / Re: Beginnings
« on: September 01, 2006, 12:30:38 AM »

If anyone cares, the current opening lines to my NIPP (Novel In Perpetual Progress) are:

Hammer-shaped warships tore across the throbbing crimson sky, louder than thunder.

Almost loud enough to drown out the screams.


I usually read a few pages in order to judge whether or not I'll give it a chance, but if the first few lines/paragraphs absolutely captivate me, it's likely the rest of the story will too.
Terroja- I am captivably curious! What's your NIPP (mines the same way) about?

(Okay, so captivably is probably invented by moi, but is it not an amazing word?)

Author Craft / Re: Plot points
« on: August 26, 2006, 04:01:43 PM »
Generally I just run with whatever pops into my head at that given moment. I'm not sure if it's a flaw within itself, but I usually get a vague idea for a story, start writing, when I get stuck, keep writing, and usually it ends up being....right? If thats the right word. I think I mean that when I write, I just keep writing, and the plot works itself out somehow. I get surprised a lot....for example...I just finished writing the first draft of a short story. I was writing it without a clue for how I wanted it to end...I had a few ideas, but I couldn't figure out how to make them I kept writing, and I got to the end, and I realized that everything I had written thus far, was leading up to an ending I never even considered! And I could figure out no way to change this ending and no need's almost like it wrote itself.

Not sure if I'm sure if I'm just crazy though....but for the question..I run with what I "feel" is best.

Author Craft / Re: On-line writers groups
« on: August 25, 2006, 02:49:01 AM »
I was thinking about it today, and you know, it would be really easy to set up a blog or livejournal as a writers group. Say it was a livejournal....the group could set it up as private, then each story is a journal entry (all the members would be given the password and share the username) then the critiques could be comments. It would be really easy, and more importantly...FREE! I haven't actually participated in a writers group yet, but I thought it might work. I developed the same basic idea last year for my english class (book reviews/other comments on the teacher ended up using the idea for a questions/answer blog that we were graded on).
If anyone's interested, I could set it up?
Or anyone else is perfectly free to just use the idea for themselves.
okay....later then.

Author Craft / Re: On-line writers groups
« on: August 24, 2006, 02:43:39 AM »
*waiting for someone to suggest a writer's group being formed from these boards*

Now that is a REALLY great idea. 

Would anyone be interested in something like that?   ;D

See me here? I'M INTERESTED!

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: August 20, 2006, 04:02:41 PM »
Dom- ACTUALLY..while my last name starts with D (oh the horror that has been wraught with the initals DD  ;)) actually means "of the Gardens" in French. Coincidence? I But amusing nonetheless.  :) I'll make sure to keep the name foreign for the shelves

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