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Messages - squidnurse

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: What would u be?
« on: July 23, 2006, 04:52:49 PM »
Suppose I'd be a Gifted Mortal.  If that's the category that fits the idea of a Norte Americano relief worker in Central America who doesn't believe in any of the local mumbo-jumbo until a Chupacabra attack in the Highlands wipes out most of the other aid workers.  Later he's gifted with a jade pendant from a Mayan medicine man that curses/blesses him as a were-jaguar which enables him to go fang-to-claw with the Red Court's minions on their own ground, during which time he encounters members of the Fellowship of St. Giles...

...not that I've really thought about it.  ;)

DFRPG / Re: Parallel Fiction
« on: June 12, 2006, 01:04:21 AM »
I cannot conceive of a legal environment in which such a project even has the barest breath of hope of happening.

Which is a kind of a shame, really.  But it is, after all, not a perfect world.  Not even close.

I have fond memories of reading Wild Cards and Thieves' World; those were the sort of books coming out when I was really getting into Cool Stuff.  Of course, there wasn't just one creator in those series.  The folks who put those together owned the rights to their individual characters and came together to create a new shared universe.  So whatever parallels might be found between their experience and the idea of an anthology set in Jim's already created universe aren't really exact.  But the idea of several storytellers collaborating to flesh out a world where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts has always intrigued me.  Part of why I dig RPGs and look forward to this particular one.

DFRPG / Re: Parallel Fiction
« on: June 11, 2006, 08:59:25 PM »
It's an interesting discussion, and I think I understand (and don't disagree with) Jim's perspective on fan-fiction, etc.  But lemme throw this out there:

In my version of a perfect world, Jim would give his blessing (and perhaps even contribute) to an anthology of short stories featuring either minor or new characters by aspiring writers set in the Dresdenverse, so long as they didn't conflict with his planned vision.  Of course, he'd retain absolute creative control and copyrights (though that might lead to absolute corruption... ;)).  But it'd let some folk flex their fan-fic muscles (heh...alliteration) and get a foot in the door of being published.  It would also work to satisfy the endless craving for more Dresden-related stories.  For an example that's hopefully general enough not to set off any red flags, bear in mind that Earth's a big planet with lots of cities and countries, and there's more to what's going on in Harry's world than just Chicago...

This might be something that's more able to be realized after the TV series and RPG take off and Harry Dresden becomes a somewhat bigger property with more media tie-ins.  Or it may never be (my version of a perfect world also contains both of the TV series Wizards and Warriors and Firefly running for several complete seasons; I've grown used to disappointment).

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