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Messages - etoiline

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: "Turn Coat" released April 7, 2009
« on: February 05, 2009, 05:59:53 PM »
Alas, I was getting used to him coming to St. Louis. I don't know if I could make the drive up to Chicago or out to KC, but I might consider would be fun to see if he remembered me from previous signings (hey, he did last year! It was great! We totally had a connection! Er...yeah.)

Guess I'll just have to wait until I have the complete Codex collection and hope he comes back to the Lou.


Author Craft / Re: Oh crap - I'm stuck...
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:46:56 PM »
I'm having this trouble too--I've got the very last page written, but the chapters leading up to that are driving me bonkers. I even have a vague outline of what's going to happen, but it's a little scary to realize that 'hey, something I've written is approaching its end.'

What I really need is time to sit down and go over everything and just hit my ideas over an anvil until they're malleable enough to fit together. I know they do, I just haven't found that spark yet.

Thanks for the ideas, esp. the synopsis and cover letters bits. Hopefully I'll have time to implement them soon...


Author Craft / Re: Write What You Read?
« on: February 27, 2007, 07:51:32 AM »
I've got a touch of ADD as well, but I've found that I swing between both of you. It's kind of obvious what I was reading when I wrote last year's NaNo, because it shows up in the story. So I try to stay away from the *sub-genre* that I'm writing, since just about everything I read is somewhere in the fantasy realm, and *everything that I write is; but I *have* to read, no matter what I'm writing. I go crazy if I can't read at least a few pages of a book each day. Yes, I am a book addict. But I'm working on addicting myself to writing ;)


Author Craft / Re: Wordcount!
« on: February 22, 2007, 08:12:49 PM »
My current story is about 61k. That includes stuff written during last year's NaNo...yes, it is a NaNo story, but I think it's pretty good, however deluded that may be. I've got sort of an amorphous goal of getting the whole thing finished this year.

I've only got one section to write, but it'll be huge. I'll probably add on another 10k without realizing it, once I finally sit my butt down and get it on paper.


Author Craft / Re: Why Do You Write?
« on: February 22, 2007, 08:03:28 PM »
I write because it's fun. Because it's a fantastic escape from my very practical profession. Because I'm a creative person at heart but for some reason I keep thinking I can be good at the sciences.

Because I have dreams that demand to be told. Because I can hear the music, sometimes, that underlies the scene that I'm writing, and my fingers can't do anything other than type, or put pencil to paper.

Because there are authors out there that make me clutch a book to my chest and say, damn. I hope that someday I will have a novel out there that does the same to someone else.

Because my imagination runs away from me, sometimes, and I get frustrated when I can't follow. Because people tell me that I'm pretty good at it (though some might have a little familial bias). Because I always have, and I hope I always will. It's taken a while, but I've found out that writing is what makes me happiest.


Author Craft / Re: Planning battle scenes
« on: February 21, 2007, 10:28:45 PM »
couple of questions to get a better understanding of what your are trying to do:
1) are you using military organizations similar to historic or modern military? or making up your own?
2) fantasy setting, using foot soldiers, calvary, archers (artillery)?
3) where do your characters fit into the organzations?
4) is this supposed to be an epic battle?

I tend to focus on the view and impressions of a few characters (so even large battles involve a lot of small unit or even single combat) And just give quick high-level descriptions of the overall battle.  Your reader will care about the overall battle, but should care a lot more about your characters and what happens to them.


1) Most likely I will use conventional organization, but with changed names. My story is a quasi-medieval fantasy.
2) The enemy is big on ambushes. So most likely infantry. But my character is a hotshot with the bow, so probably archers's the first stages of a war, so only small groups are at the front now, perhaps no calvary...yet.
3) My MC is a scout, and he comes across a group much larger than his unit can handle. For a reason that I haven't figured out yet, though, they *have* to take on the enemy. I've got a spiffy way for them to do so, but that can't be the *only* fight. The MC has to be in some actions before this, so the commanding officer can trust him to do the spiffy thing...
4) it's not the battle of Helm's Deep or anything, but it's got to be good enough to wipe out the enemy and give the victors a little breathing space.

Thanks for your advice, Paul. And Mickey, we can be stereotypical together ;)


Author Craft / Planning battle scenes
« on: February 21, 2007, 07:23:01 PM »
Hi there.

So, being a girl, I have a fairly stereotypical weakness in that I can't seem to wrap my mind around 'playing war.' I have a battle scene that I need to write in my novel, and I know some of the basics in it (like who's going to win, what the main character needs to do, etc) but it's very vague.

I have no concept of how big an army can be, like picturing a thousand men coming toward you.I mean, I know that's a large number, but I can't picture it. Jim (among other writers) has been helpful in this regard with Codex Alera, but I'm still stalling on writing the scene. Scenes, really. Trying to figure out how long that the soldiers would be at the front, troop movements, things like that...I obviously wouldn't make a very good general, but I suppose I have to be, to direct my characters.

So I'll learn, if you've got any ideas.

Oh, and how far could an army march in a day, over relatively flat terrain?

Thanks in advance,

Author Craft / Re: Would you stop?
« on: February 21, 2007, 07:17:30 PM »
I was going to post the link to Miss Snark, but it's been done already...

I would still write. There's just something about getting the words in your head down on paper (or onscreen, as the case may be) that makes me feel better. It makes me excited, calm, angry, exuberant, all sorts of things. It's an outlet for too much reality. And though one day I hope I can be a published author, just sharing my story with other people can be enough.

Writing is probably the thing I'm best at, right now, and I want to give it the chance.


Author Craft / Re: Hark! (Characters)
« on: January 21, 2007, 05:49:56 AM »
I haven't had very many characters leap out at me, but once I've created them, they usually take off and do whatever they want to do. In my 2006 NaNo novel, the main character decided that he absolutely could notbe 13, and had to be 16, and I said, okay. He also decided that he was going on a quest to find his dragon, which I did not expect at all. And the entire story changed when my writers meetup group started talking about cultural mores and how some cultures didn't think it was a bad thing to leave unwanted babies to die of exposure. Guess what happened to my kid?

I will say one thing, though...nearly all of my characters demand that they get to learn magic, at least in some form. How they go about it is different in each story, for which I'm thankful.

Sometimes I do find it helpful to write down a few facets of the character, just for reference. I try to find a picture that resembles my mental image (or forms it), or failing that, I draw him or her. Sometimes that's better, or at least it was this year...


Author Craft / Re: Character Names
« on: January 21, 2007, 04:45:28 AM »
Coming up with names has usually been pretty easy for me. Of course, as people have mentioned, writing fantasy means I can use pretty much whatever I want :) I tend to use my one foreign language (french) and mash it up with words or sounds that I like. I've been looking at more word meanings (latin, usually) to really describe the character, if I can. Then there's always the alphabet game: write the letters of the alphabet and make up a new name for each letter by putting together interesting combinations of other letters...I had a long list of names to pick from for my latest NaNo novel using that method...

Someday I'm going to be just like Tolkien, making up lists of grammar and names, I swear.

I'm also fond of the good old baby names websites. When I was writing my modern-day king arthur story, I looked up the classical names of the knights and tried to find modern names that evoked those. that was interesting, let me tell you.

I like the idea of a fire-mage named Frost.


Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: January 19, 2007, 10:04:34 PM »
Wow, this is exciting. I've always read about authors and their writing groups, so it would be great to get that kind of help for us not-so-experienced writers.

Count me in!


Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: January 19, 2007, 03:47:53 PM »
Hello all...

I'm Jennifer, but everyone online calls me Cal.

I've participated in NaNoWriMo for the last three years, and while only one of those resulted in a story that I actually got to write "The End" on the last page, I think all three have promise. This last year's story is the most polished and I'm seriously thinking of trying to get it ready to run the gamut of rejection slips that is publishing. I write fantasy and there's quite a lot of Jim's influence in my books.

The three stories are, respectively, a modern-day King Arthur story (Artorius Rex Novare), a story about the missing archangel Gabriel (Artist of Heaven), and The Sixth Ring, set in a land where bells toll to bring the news, and the sixth ring foretells destruction...

I've also got a big piece I've been writing since I was in middle school, and a vampire-werewolf horror romance bit.

I'm really looking on advice on how to plan fight scenes. I'm not very good at it, possibly because I never had a chance to play any role-playing games ;) T6R has a moderately complex battle in it, and I'm not quite sure how to write it.

Thanks for any help, and if you want to check out some excerpts, I have a livejournal.

Good luck to all! I hope to see you in print someday...


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