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Messages - CurkyHangles

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DFRPG / Re: Dealing with Supernatural Speed/Strength
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:11:28 PM »
Personally, While Supernatural speed is fast, it isn't as fast as 40-50 mph, at least at my table.  If he's that fast at yours, perhaps a contest of Athletics vs Driver would be called for because jumping out, stopping and then trying to keep pace with a speeding car would be tough.

Supernatural speed reads "You're able to move far faster than the eye can see -- or at least so fast that what's seen is only a blur..."  From what other people are replying, it looks like I need to cut back on what he can do in terms of speed.  Also, due to the reading of the rules, I didn't allow the driver to make a dodge role with his driving skill because I assumed he didn't have time to get out of the way.

DFRPG / Re: Dealing with Supernatural Speed/Strength
« on: April 04, 2016, 07:44:11 PM »
I'm curious how he got 10 shifts.. .did he roll really well?

Strength Powers shouldn't add to your accuracy.  And, even though the power says Might modifies, you should never let it modify attacks.
So, say he has Fists at +5 and, maybe, a stunt...he should be rolling +6 to hit.

And, for Speed, it only adds +2 to dodge.  Does he have really high Athletics?  If he has a stunt that lets him dodge with Fists, you don't get to apply speed powers to your parry.  It only applies to Athletics.

Also, did the Jeep dodge?  A drive check to get out of the way would reduce the potential hit.

Did  you just roll damage on the Jeep, or did you use the "breaking/lifting" rules?

Also, if the enemy disabled the truck, how does disabling the Jeep ruin the encounter?  The enemies could still attack, could they not?  They shouldn't all take an attack that's aimed at the Jeep.  They could jump out and continue firing?

I've never found Strength Powers to be overly game breaking.  I find Speed Powers to be overly annoying...but, also, not game breaking.

I used the lifting/breaking rules with his might skill, supernatural strength, and +4 roll -- As he described his action of jumping out of the truck, running out to the side, and t-boning the jeep.  With his rolls, I basically said he flipped the jeep a couple times.  Driving along at 40-50 mph, it took out all the passengers.

DFRPG / Dealing with Supernatural Speed/Strength
« on: April 04, 2016, 06:17:05 PM »
I apologize if this question has been asked, I combed through posts using the search function and didn't come up with anything.  Here goes:

I am relatively new to DFRPG but I have a ton of experience in other tabletops (3.5, Pathfinder, WoD, Star Wars, CoC).  I am running a story with some new players, and I have run into an interesting problem that I am not sure how to handle.  There is a character with supernatural speed/strength (has a totem) that has broken a couple combat scenes I have thrown at the PCs.  Story time:

The party has recovered an item that is sought after by a shadow person who is manipulating things behind the scenes.  The PCs have said item in the back of an m35 transport truck.  While driving with the item, the party is ambushed by 3 highly trained mercenaries and a sorcerer for hire.  The baddies drive up on the truck and start opening fire with a hail of bullets from small arms, and a 30 cal machine gun.  The sorcerer is planning on throwing evocations when the truck is disabled due to gunfire.  Enter gamebreaker PC.  The faster than perception PC jumps out of the truck and bulldozes the enemy jeep with a 10 shift hit effectively crushing my entire encounter plan with little effort.  I did make him dodge random gunfire, but it still made little difference.  So my question is, how do you deal with a character like this without constantly throwing in enemies/situations tailored to stack the deck against said character?

DFRPG / Character Idea and 1st Law Question
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:44:27 AM »
Pardon me if this has been asked.  I perused for about 20 minutes and used the search function and came up with nothing of note so I thought I would ask.

I have come up with a character concept of a German special forces soldier who is a deadly sharpshooter and recon expert.  The idea I am toying with is that his knowledge of ballistics, trajectories, geometry, and trigonometry coupled with his minor talent in kinetomancy (he would actually be a focused practitioner due to rules) would make him incredibly accurate with all types of firearms.  Even more so when he has time to plan and focus on his shots.  The idea being that his planning, intent, focus, and reliance on the numbers, actually trigger his kinetomancy to influence the bullet ever so slightly in flight.  I'm not talking bullet bending, just little "nudges" to keep it on target.

My questions would be should I plan on the lawbreaker stunt, and losing my head (no big deal as this is likely a short term character) or is this grey enough and subtle enough that it would go mostly unnoticed?

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