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Messages - Nawlins34

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: how to say goodbye
« on: April 27, 2010, 04:24:51 PM »
So you want a "Happy, but Sad " departure from this particular scene.

In my opinion, (again, it's just that and nothing else, I'm just putting this out there, and hopefully get some feedback that we can all work with here.) I think the 'sad' part won't be an issue; it's the getting his family "happy" about leaving. Which I think their happiness hinges on how realistic are the chances of him coming back to earth. So how REAL is that chance?

You've made it very clear that there is a REAL chance of him being gone forever. I don't/can't see a family walking away 'happy' with 'low to remote' odds presented to them. I see closure at best.

how about these angles to help shape the parting conversation;

1.) Maybe he knows for sure he won't be coming back, but told his family otherwise?  (sad for him, happy for them )

2.) Maybe someone in the immediate family has a military background, who has deployed before. This would set the family up to being 'used' to this in a sense, may not result in them being happy about it, but they would have some sense of closure or understanding about it all.

3.) What setting is the departure scene taking place? Will it be in front of a transport ship? in the living room as he's leaving the house with his stuff? The location might play into the emotional value as well. "Home is where the heart is."  Might be more emotional saying goodbye to a child as they leave the house they grew up in vs. watching them walk on a transport ship bound for space.

Anybody else see something that could help the dialogue or setting for his scene?

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:10:12 AM »
Before I post mine, I want to think the OP for starting this game. It has really given me the chance to understand (at least as best as I can) how to go about the story content vs. word ratio.  I love how it's forcing me to pack as much interest into that amount of words as possible and I'm going to try to continue that. Hopefully I hit that mark, if not I will continue to try.  I love most of what I've seen so far, there is alot of "windows" of univereses I would love to read in a book one day in this thread.

Starbeam:  Hooked, I liked it!!

And here's my contribution. It's not my main WIP but it's something I'd like to work on once I'm more comfortable.

(250 word cap starting now)

“The irony of it all…” Tim said crouching over her body, “She has black and white furniture here, yet the moments before her death is a ‘gray’ area.”  He muttered. 
“Why is he talking like I’m not even here? “Asked the worried soul.

“Pay him no mind, Joann” I said. “He’s not from our time.”  I got up and walked over to comfort her as best as I could. “So you’re certain you didn’t know the person who killed you?”  I asked.
Joann was hesitate with a response. She simply closed her eyes and looked down.
“Joann, I understand this is a bit…..”   That’s all I could muster when she raised her head up again with cold dark eyes open….

I felt the chill before the words were spoken.
No,but you do, Nathan."

 The unholy scream from Joann forced me and Tim to our knees in agony.   This pain was like nothing I ever felt amongst the living. It felt as if I was dying again………   All I could do was lie on my face and stare at the empty floor.
Where Joann’s soul suddenly collapsed. The pain stopped as soon as she landed. I jumped up immediately and backed away. “Remember the rules….” Said the deep chilled voice behind me. I turned to see…..Death.

Death muttered some words and Joann’s soul was gone.
Second by second he faded away in thin air and with his evil grin he reminded us in Joann’s voice, “Remember the rules...."

Author Craft / Re: Do they exist?
« on: November 13, 2009, 12:49:38 AM »
If it's for an actual plot-related reason that isn't contrived, then I am usually sad, but don't feel peeved at the author. 

And as narrow of a target that may sound, I'm trying to aim for that impact. For the storyline i'm looking at, the MC story will stretch out into a series of books. but as I look at the outline of her story, and the actual story i'm telling, she'd be going against her beliefs and the very thing she's fighting for if she lived. The storyline as well as her POV would lose credibilty at the end of the series if she didn't die.

But I digress, I'm pretty far away from that ending. I'm sure plenty of ideas will jump into my mind on how to end her story.

 I'm grateful for all this feedback, alot of you are throwing stuff I haven't thought of so it's helping to get the creative juices flowing.

 I don't see myself making it a habit, but for this particular storyline, it may have to happen, we shall see  ;)

Author Craft / Re: Do they exist?
« on: November 10, 2009, 06:34:37 PM »
Duly noted, adding him to my list as well.

Author Craft / Re: Do they exist?
« on: November 10, 2009, 06:09:11 PM »
Like anything else, there will be people who hate it no matter how you do it, and there's only so much that's worth doing for that audience's sake; and anyone else, you can make it work for if you are good enough.

Fair enough!  I'll take a look at what you mentioned above in the meantime. It's a start at least and it wouldn't hurt to look at how it was done.

Author Craft / Re: Do they exist?
« on: November 10, 2009, 05:49:57 PM »
Ahh, good point. Allow me to clarify;

in this context, I'm speaking about the character from which the POV of this world, story will be told by.  So, it's not exactly the norm, is that your take on it?

Author Craft / Do they exist?
« on: November 10, 2009, 05:34:59 PM »
Hi everyone,

I'm an aspiring writer with some good story arcs at the moment that I'm working. However I'm running into a brick wall with a particular issue:

I've learned through research and just being a reader that it helps to read other authors to give you an idea of what you want. I'm really looking for a novel where the main character dies at the end and everyone is okay with that.  Could someone suggest some good books or series even where the main character dies and readers are fine with that?

That's my biggest fear. I'm sure if the storyline supports the direction the character has to go, readers will understand, but I don't want to have a reader throwing the book at the end of reading it. ( Unless it sparks their curiousity to pick up the next book in the series.)

I've yet to find an example and If it exists, I would like to see how that author executed that task; killing the main character at the end of a novel for the sake of the story without killing the series itself. Please let me know if anyone has come across such a book or series. The genre doesn't matter to me, so long as it exists.

Author Craft / Re: The Sweet Spot
« on: June 14, 2009, 06:31:39 PM »
I love the sweet spot. I tried to be 70% creative and 30% structured.

I just look at that chapter and make sure a few events will happen for sure, but there are times i'm really feeling my writing and i just take off with it. Kudos if it's material that fits what I actually need there. If not, I take that dialogue or scene and put it away for another story or what have you. They don't happen often, but when they do, wow.  :)

Author Craft / Re: Authors and Procrastination
« on: January 20, 2009, 08:42:26 PM »
Haha good, so I'm not alone
I've been setting aside a certain time everyday to do at least one hour of writing during that time, but I don't let myself do anything else during that time

Hi everyone, I've been reading the forums for a few months now, but this is my first post.

In regards to your post, Kero319, I've been trying to use this tactic as well, but it's a bit tricky with my daily schedule. However, I do note I seem to make time whenever a plot angle, dialog, or any sort of idea pops in my head.  ;D I have to start somewhere!

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