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Messages - Turanthor

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DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: April 08, 2010, 06:36:56 PM »
I certainly discovered the series through the show. I did not catch it initially, then Sci-fi ran a 4 episode block and I happened to catch the last half of the 2nd episode and I was hooked. watched the next 2, then bought the rest off iTunes the next day and watched them all up to that point, think they had just put out the Storm Front episode.

I ordered the books the next day and White Night as soon as I finished reading Storm Front. I knew instantly that I was hooked and I just went ahead and ordered all the books and was caught up by the time WN actually was released.

But the show did it for me, even now having read Dresden, I still love the show. It reminds me so strongly of Angel, which was my favorite show on television when it was on. They even have the same composer doing to the Score to both shows: Robert J. Kral.

I am glad I had the books to fall back on, because I had really come to love the show by the time the losers at syfy decided it should be canceled, for some unknown reason considering it was pulling in a bigger audience

They are so stupid, look at this poll and how many people came to the books as a result of the show. That would have just grown the show and the books if they would have let it happen.

pretty lame, and I feel bad for Robert Hewitt Wolfe, love that guy's writing on Deep Space Nine and he was really figuring out how to make the Dresden Files click on the screen by the end. Second show he has been a part of that was really good on its way to excellent before being canceled or railroaded by hercules (Andromeda).

Agreed. Also, with all the people, I didn't get to browse for other books like I wanted. Sad panda.

Here's my pic with Jim. It's from my facebook as well, but you should be able to see it. :) I look like a creeper in it though. ><

You know I had a feeling that was you at the signing. The UT shirt and the UT earrings were what tipped me off.

I think you and I are the only two people who asked more than one question. heh

errr, every time I try and post that video it gets all wonky. I did manage to post it once, but then it linked straight to my photobucket and sent you to my album. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

I have a few pictures and a short video from the signing.

This one is me and Jim, he is holding my Pen. I have had a couple of other authors sign with that same pen! :)

This is me in line and I took a picture while the two ladies separated and I could see him. I was also standing next to these two most of the signing. I didnt remove the Red Eye from Jim because I thought it made him look kind of super-natural.


this is a short video where someone asks the first question of the Q&A. I was too busy listening and trying to ask questions to get much more of this part, and I was at a crappy angle to shoot footage.

It was a devastating day for me, I really enjoyed myself.

Both the drive there and back took about 2 1/2 hours, but I was excited to go on the way back, and excited about the event on the way back, so yeah totally worth it indeed.

I guess I got 4th? or 5th? in the trivia, a Burger King gift card either way, so that was fun.

I was queued up when someone asked him about Conan vs Harry, and it was awesome to hear his impassioned reply. Robert E Howard is one of my favorites, so it was just cool to hear him talk about his work so fondly.

If I happened to meet any of y'all, it was a pleasure :)

wooohoo! called and got my number. I am lucky #100!  ;D

leaving Austin by noon, see y'all there! :)


I have been looking at it and I think you are better off taking 71 to I-10. 290 goes through a lot of small towns and has a generally lower speed limit, as well as more cramped roads (at least in my experience). Looking at it on different mapping sites suggests it is at least a 20 minute longer drive and an additional 8 miles or so.

If you are leaving from the Campus area, I would suggest taking MLK out to 183 then merging onto 71 by the airport.

MBTB actually looks to be further south in Houston closer to where 71 hits than 290. If you are on West Campus, I would suggest Mopac to 360/Ben White, and that will eventually become 71, if you want to avoid crossing the middle of town.

Forgive me if you know all of this, but I have been driving in this town for 14 years, and in my experience it takes a good half hour longer going 290 than 71.

Plus, in little crappy towns like Elgin, they have cops posted up right at speed limit reduction signs and so they get you in the middle of decelerating. It is very annoying. Happened to me a couple of times, why i started taking 71 in the first place.

Heh, cool thanks, glad I asked. Only been to a couple of RA Salvatore signings like 8 years ago, and I had like 10 books both times with him and it seemed cool.

but I was not the only one there with a big pile, so I didnt feel too bad. But it would be embarrassing to be the only doofus with an entire bushel of books in hand.

so it is near 290 you say? thanks, I am up north near the Arboretum, so that is easier actually, but usually 71 is much faster because of the speed limits. However, I do not know my way around Houston much at all, so I would probably lose that time trying to find my way to MBtB if it is on the other side of town. That town is monstrously big, every time I go there I feel lost, but then again I maybe go there once a year.

yeah I am in Austin, a UT alum even, noticed your Longhorn :)

I will be attending this signing, driving in from Austin.

Does anyone have an idea on decorum? How many books are you allowed or encouraged to bring? I want to be sure and get what I REALLY want signed.

thank you for any assistance

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