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Messages - AdamC

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: December 29, 2009, 09:32:23 AM »
Interesting that Murphy's ex-husband has the same last name as Harry Blackstone was born with

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: January 05, 2009, 10:25:48 PM »
I will not interupt Murphy to tell her to go make me a sandwich.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: November 25, 2008, 02:41:02 AM »
I will not tell Thomas that Ralwins needs urgent protecting at oh..around 2am.

I will not put a foodbowl in my apartment that say Billy, no mater how much fun it would be to see his reaction.

I will not write ntoes to Ivy during council meetings asking her for Latin translaitons, no mater how great that would be.

I will stop referring to Marcone as my best frenemy.
a- Nor will I ask him to watch Mister when I go out of town. He almost said yes last time.

I will let Murphy and Michael decide the flow of the conversation. EVER.

I will not tell Bob about
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I will not call up Morgan and ask him for advice on women.

I will not go back to Thomas' apartment and make another scene with Mouse simply becuase I'm bored.

I will not answer any phone calls form Maeve after midnght, period.

I will not use forzare to remove Larry Fowler's wig at inopportune moments.

I will not ask Michael if I can borrow a shovel because I "lost some change".

I will not attend council meetings with a shirt that say
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