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Messages - Imnothere

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But I love when Charity tells Harry fiercely, "Families stay, Harry. He would stay for you."

Makes me cry, like, every time.

Thats what makes it such a gut puncher for me all the grief he is feeling for his friend, for letting down his friends daughter/his apprentance, for helping that whole situation to come about. Yet the person that has been antagonistic and unwelcoming of him for most of the years they have known each other won't let him slink off to grieve alone. great great scene

the worst kick in the gut moment that sticks out for me isn't when they find Ivy in the cage it's not even when Michael gets shot. It is when Harry goes up to the waiting room and sees Charity and Molly in their and he apologizes to Molly for not protecting her father

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: February 10, 2009, 03:37:52 AM »
working thru my 3rd rereading atm I am on BR

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: October 05, 2008, 11:22:01 AM »
I watched 5 minutes of the first episode on sci-fi,got bored and changed the channel.... Then as it happened I started watching more and more of the episodes because Battlestar Galactica was played before or after it. By the time that first season was over. I had already gone back and watched all the episodes a couple of times. Then I heard scifi canned it just like they had past shows I had become fond of (*cough* Farscape). Alas time went by and so did I at the bookstore, always saying I should pickup thous books. But i didn't I always had a different book to read, or work to do, or games to play. Then I read thous other books, got bored with the games, and had time off work. Now I'm looking back going WHY the hell did i take so long to start reading this lol.

As of me typing this I have read thru Proven Guilty with me going to buy White Knight and Small Favor when B&N opens since I can't really watch my Bills play football today (damn cable companies and greedy stations). I am actually glad I watched the tv show before reading the books cause to me I always get more pleasure reading a book of a show i have watched even if it has some major differences. It lets me get a vested interest in what I am reading much sooner. Plus I dont think i would have enjoyed the show as much.

So to sum up correctly I discovered the books because of the tv show by way of BSG lol

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