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Messages - Jemcrystal

Pages: [1]
Kk, I see the media file forum now.  Ty.

I need more to read but I like Jim's style of writing.  Is there another author like him?  Or someone as entertaining as him?  The closest I can place is R.A. Salvatore but I have read his works too.  Also, I have read Sherrilyn Kenyon, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Charlaine Harris.  I like sups, paranormal.  It can be romance or mystery or horror (I don't know why we have to divide those up; can't people write all three at once?).  I read a lot.  I get tired of digging through all the second rate to sniff out the greats.  You know, authors that make their characters seem real and have detail without bogging down; keep it interresting and exciting and make you sympathetic.  And paranormal - much much paranormal!

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