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Messages - Lord_of_Stories

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Kemmlerian necromancy and death curses...
« on: July 23, 2015, 01:34:53 PM »
Since the block functions by preventing their death (assuming I understood Xelah right), wouldn't a caster who failed to exceed the 16-shift block be prevented from dying (and therefore using their death to fuel it)? At least narratively speaking?

(Thanks for asking Xelah, I feel like this could be relevant to my game at some point)

DFRPG / Mind Magic: Seeking Advice Regarding Mental Stress Evocation
« on: July 22, 2015, 04:39:28 PM »
Hey Everyone,

I am relatively new to the forums and so apologize if this topic has already been addressed. I am hoping to get some guidance regarding how to handle mind magic evocations that inflict mental stress; specifically whether or not to make use of it, and if not what alternatives I could use. Let me preface my questions with some background information regarding my campaign and players.

I have run one previous DFRPG campaign and am currently running a “sequel” with some of the same characters. The Fomor serve as the primary antagonists and have a penchant for mind magic (especially as per the Paranet Papers); in addition, I have a mind magic specialized 20 refresh warlock waiting in the wings as a Big Bad, puppet master type. While I don’t want to make the opposition too overpowering, my first inclination is to allow mind magic evocation for the following reasons:

1)   One of my players is playing a fairly well optimized Emissary of Zeus who, due to Supernatural (and now Mythic Speed) and Superb (+5): Athletics, dodges attacks at a base of +8 without rolls or fate points. This is further augmented by his use of a few self-inflicted rote spell maneuvers that give him temporary aspects that boost his Athletics. As a result, I find it difficult to hit him in combat even with several enemies doing nothing but placing maneuvers to try and close the gap. By targeting his mental track I was hoping to keep combat challenging (and therefore interesting) for him.
2)   In addition, if I am remembering correctly all of my players have at least a Good in Discipline since 3/4 are spell casters and the 4th is a hold over from the last campaign where his character upgraded his discipline in order to pursue a relationship with a White Court Vampire. As a result, I didn’t feel like they would be at to large a disadvantage when it came to resisting mental stress evocations.

Need for Advice:
That said, I have read through most Sanctaphrax’s “Where I Read: The Paranet Papers” and noticed some concerns people had about allowing mind magic as an evocation option. I want to give my players a fun and fair game, and so don't want to make my opposition too overpowered. I was hoping people would be willing to elaborate on their opinions/concerns and potentially provide alternative solutions to #1 above if they are against allowing it.

Thanks in Advance!

DFRPG / Re: Information for a Game set in Dublin
« on: July 22, 2015, 01:41:51 PM »
Hi DK Sharp96,

While I don't know of any official material regarding Dublin games, there is a great Blog by Rick Neal (who helps Playtest the DFRPG). He set a campaign in Dublin and posted session write-ups online, so you could probably use those as a starting point if you wanted. I have attached a link to the write-ups below; you'll want to scroll to the bottom to see the first post.

Also, he has explanations and examples for various rules and situations you may encounter. They are linked to on Evil Hat's website as well as on his blog; I find them extremely helpful for the campaign I'm running with my group.

Best of luck!

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