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Messages - TheEnoch

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DFRPG / Re: Trying to implement magic from outside sources.
« on: July 22, 2015, 10:36:21 PM »
See this was my thought as well was intigrating Faith powers however my issue is Faith seems to trump a small chunk of supernatural capabilities so would this seem fair? Feels a little ott in the scheme of things. Was tempted to write up Voodoo as a sponsored magic deal or its own self contained type. Just makes my scratch my chin. Maybe create a basic guide since again Loas are sort of your power source/decider of how your Voodoo works. I mean you deal with any dark Loa you get all the sheer nasty lawbreaking powers while Good Loa just give you nice benefits. My main point is where would Voodoo fall as well within the White Council spectrum. Would they actively police it given the person only retains power while their faith in a Loa remains solid.

@Claw thanks for your thoughts. I am still working on the first one more so as I like it as an idea since it doesn't play to a regular magic concept. Starting to work in a Thaumaturge sub-type for it.

DFRPG / Trying to implement magic from outside sources.
« on: July 21, 2015, 09:39:15 PM »
Ok I like odd ideas for magic within this world, thaumaturge being one of my favourites due to its limitless potential, but two particular "magics" I have seen outside of the dresdenverse I would like to move in.

From Bleach a power from the final big bad of the current manga Yhwach known as Power Bestowal which later becomes Letter Empowerment. This power is the idea of using your own soul/energy to enhance others you have touched basically creating a link. Basically like a reverse mimic abilities but it feels like magic would be more appropriate. Letter Empowerment is a step higher where the person you give power to has a letter burned into their soul, I would make it a brand or tattoo where the power granted is associated to that letter so say you burn F on them then perhaps oh I dont know you can empower Fire some how. Again I am amused to hear how you would do this since I am trying to work it out as a spellcaster who cant directly cast magic though anyone he grants power to in time he can reclaim said power back and with any interest associated with it since it may have gotten stronger.

Number 2 is a magic I expected to see within Dresden but not covered the almighty Voodoo. Now Voodoo from what me and my friends have tried to figure out is a real head scratcher. Voodoo has heavy influence on your faith and what Loas you believe in which provides your list of powers in a sense. It also offers the temptation of dark magic via voodoo dolls for domination and such. So a simple one but how would you work it? Issue we have is how to tie in a sort of faith power mechanic to leads to you being able to do some funky magic tricks.

So yeah figured this thread be an amusing place to discuss outside sources of magic not in dresden or could potentially be. Hopefully I havent been stupid and this has been posted before.

DFRPG / Re: Mid-Campaign Decision Help
« on: July 21, 2015, 09:16:11 PM »
Thanks man, to be fair he has proven a popular idea within my local rp groups so seems he will take his place...totally not going to make him look a bit like a modern Doctor Doom minus mask...honest...anyway thank you for your opinions. Means alot.

DFRPG / Re: Mid-Campaign Decision Help
« on: July 19, 2015, 09:29:26 PM »
This is my issue both ideas appeal to me I have.

Option 1: Retiring Louis, The Overseer enters
The Overseer is a wizard though only proficient in Thaumaturge magic. His family built a complex known as the Leyline/Nexus within the city of Glasgow at the tail end of the 19th century and built a complex known as the Sentinel Works, a now abandoned location in real life, in 1903 to hide what was beneath. The Leyline/Nexus was built to regulate an unstable leyline with the family helping earth the excess energy flow however their method was dangerous as the family member filtered the energy through a device then into themselves. Many did not live beyond 30. The Overseer as he calls himself, was raised under the previous Leyline watcher his uncle from a young age as he seemed to have a talent for manipulating the energies. As his Uncle passed the Overseer was only 18 as he created small items to explore outside for him. He watched on as he saw Glasgow rotting from the chaos and he unable to leave this place due to what could occur if something went wrong on his watch. As he got older he learned how powerful he could be using the Leyline as well as his Thaumaturge leading to him searching to find agents who would do his bidding so he can save this city at any cost.

The Leyline/Nexus would act as a base for the group. It houses space for 12 people, a holding cell beneath, an Arcane Library, Arcane Workshop and Foundry. More details to come per say. This would be option 1.

Option 2 Louis continues, he loses himself to Cu Sith.

Now I can expand more on Cu Sith. In Scottish mythos Cu Sith is as described earlier a large green hound with green fur, the size of a large house with a braided tail. Now it is said he howls three times before he begins to hunt down a soul dragging them away or abducting young women for fae children to feed on. Sort of a Scottish Grim Reaper. Basically in our world he follows this but is one of many hounds that serve the Erlking so he isn't uber powerful but holds significant power. Louis as each time he loses control he succumbs to the hunt and Cu Sith being able to manipulate him more. After a recent White Court stand off he meets with Cu Sith to learn of his next assignment which is to act as a neutral party at the upcoming court deal however Cu Sith asks Louis what was the last noise he heard on the night of his parents death. The answer is 3 howls. Turns out Cu Sith or one of his relatives was hunting down his mother but since she and his father fought them off they were killed for such defiance and Louis left to rot. At this point Louis loses his mind as he draws his weapon on Cu Sith but it warps forming two leather "bracers". Cu Sith's eyes glow as Louis is forced into the shape of a large hound with green fur and a braided tail. Cu Sith informs him he is now his toy and that he never killed Louis' parents but he needed him to snap to be more effective. He is now a true hunter and will keep hunting as long as he is needed as a dog. Louis is now bound as a Hellhound but his will allows him retain his sense of self and despite acting as an agent he plans his next step to found out which of Cu Sith's kin or even Cu Sith himself killed his parents so he can take the revenge he has wanted and as a new head of the pact protect humanity.

Option 3: Uh...any evil ideas you guys have :D

So yeah what do you think....I have such mixed feelings overall.

DFRPG / Mid-Campaign Decision Help
« on: July 17, 2015, 09:51:31 PM »
Hello Dresdenverse....or however we know ourselves. Anyway I come to thee seeking advice and help in my darkest hour but I shall give a brief overview of the current campaign I am part of.

The campaign is set in Glasgow, Scotland in the year of 1999. The city has been caught in a territorial war between the White Court and Red Court Vampires. The Red Court held a firm grip, importing various items that led to us discovering a deadly poison harvested from a Quezecotal. The group were able to remove most of the Red Court leaving only a few stragglers trying to hold power however the White Court have became aggresive leading to several of them dying. At our current point a court is being held over the claim of lost property namely the Red Court wanting back the Quezecotal that was freed by the group.

Now our group is as follows. Father O'Dochorty a valiant priest who despises all things evil but will rush into danger without thinking clearly. Artur the WereBear from Russia. He is one of two original members left and works as a bouncer for the White Court due to concern for a sort of love interest he has however is attached to the Quezecotal treating her like his child so refuses to hand her over. Next is "Insert Member" aka my friend who cant decide.

Finally is my character Louis. He started as a vanilla mortal wielding a magical gun that his mother's soul attached to in order to look over him in death after she was killed by a large black creature. As time went on he realised he cant fight such foes so after much research he found a fae he believed he could bargain with known as Cu Sith. Basically Cu Sith is a large hound around the size of a horse with green fur, a braided tail and notably he hunts people down for his master which in our universe is the Erlking. Suffice to say he was a smidge pissed but amused such a weak thing would call him so he granted him power in exchange to hunt for Cu Sith when need be. To teach this lesson he brought Louis to the Nevernever for what seemed 4 years but was a mere minute in the real world. Since then he has been savage and enjoys shifting into his hunter state relishing in the hunt of a target and killing them. Now my choice.

We are about to throw down with the White Court over a very dodgy deal which led to Artur being captured due to them doing this. Now Artur may go. Louis despite that short summary has been progressing down this path over a gradual pace to the point he may be a lost cause by his friends becoming NPCed. Now we are about to level after the court meeting with a 6 month in game break after it. Now I can let Louis be npced and go onto a new character or find an amusing idea for Louis' next change. I will post my more detailed ideas later on my next steps but any opinions would rock.


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