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Messages - sparlin

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: How do most wizards live day-to-day?
« on: June 16, 2017, 02:27:57 PM »
I think it's been mentioned a couple times (possibly by Harry) that there can be and are wizards who use their magic to make a crapload of money in ways that might be stretching legality or ethics in the mortal world. Buying and selling information, using magic to stack the odds at a casino, summoning demons for lottery numbers, etc.

So long as you're not breaking the Laws of Magic, the White Council doesn't care one bit what else you're doing with your magic. Harry's perpetual near poverty is mostly self-flagellation on his part. Case in point -- he could've made a mint signing on with Marcone.

I'd really like to see that in Mirror Mirror - that would be really cool to see Harry and Marcone take over Chi-town and then go at each other.

Man... all the different and off the wall speculations of why Peace Talks isn't out yet are mind boggling. I want to find out what happens to Harry and crew too, but damn...

Speculating if Jim is dressed, has to pay his ex, or reason XYZ is kind of insulting to him. I know if read these boards I wouldn't want to interact based on the stuff that's being talked about.

The book will be done when it's done. Until then pick up another book!


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