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Messages - Bobsbuddy

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: June 17, 2008, 08:39:57 AM »
I miss an option saying 'Discovered the books before the TV series was started' in the poll. :lol:

Me to gertiekeddle
I didn't know anything about the Dresden Files before I picked up Harry (so to speak) ;) in the Sci-Fi section of Borders whilst looking for something 'different'. And boy wasn't he!
I haven't seen the TV series having only 'peasant TV' that doesn't give me the channel the series in on. I have seen stills and I have to say my image of Harry and that of the TV producers doesn't jibe. :-\ So for now I'll stick with the books and my twisted seems to work best..

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