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Messages - DresdenFan81

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: June 13, 2008, 06:40:03 AM »
I did start to get into them because of the show. After I read the first one, I tried to watch the show, but could not get into it. The books are SO much better. I love these books so much. ^_^ Its hard to pick a favorite...but probably Fool Moon. After that I was hooked. I really enjoyed Storm Front, but Fool Moon made me love the series. Summer Knight helped too. :) I've read them all except Small Favor, but I have started it. :)

There's so much in these books that I love. I love Harry first and foremost. He's so cool. ;D I love how he uses magic and how his whole universe works. I really love the vampires in this universe. They're all different and interesting. There aren't too many characters in this series I hate. Maybe Susan. She bugs me. I am glad she hasn't been in the last few books.

I apologize for fanboying all over the place, I just don't have that many friends who read these awesome books. ^_^

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