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Messages - kapshus

Pages: [1]
     Good point.....perhaps if Lash and Harry (team Larry?) combine talents....Wily, crafty, snarkiness from Harry with a heavy dose of high octane White Knightiness and years of experience and know how from lash.....

My problem with anything discussing Lash, is that she was a photocopy stored in Harry's brain and those parts were damaged.  That means that he would have to regen those parts of his brain in order to bring back Lash.  I think the nerves are somewhat able to regenerate (see Harry's hand), but that brain matter is an order of magnitude less likely to regenerate.  Wizard Rashid not having both his eyes seems to lend some credence to the conclusion that there are limits to what a wizard can regenerate.

Now, if we're playing fantasy wizard league hypothetical, it would be interesting but I gotta believe that a fallen angel has more raw power to draw on than even a mighty wizard could lay claim to.

I see a lot of posts about Molly + Harry romance, but what about the opposite?  Given JB's propensity to torture Harry, wouldn't having Molly go all Sith-y on him, putting him in Obiwan role to Molly's Vader,  seeing his apprentice go over to the dark side, be some exquisite pain for our favorite wizard?  Or has this been beaten down in other posts as an option?

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