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Messages - jjmcdonald

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: April 21, 2010, 03:28:13 PM »
Actually, I think that Changes did what I wanted. It effectively (and very nicely) Ended the Dersden Files.
Fidelacchius will claim Murphy, now that she is "retired". The Series arch of Susan was ended as it was started, with the Red Court. And Harry ended the war that he started. In the beginning, he wrestles with the question "Is one life worth a War?". His answer started the war with the Reds. Which went badly, cost many lives, almost destroyed the White Council, and caused lots of heartache. In the end, he answers the question "Is one life worth peace?". And he delivers on that too. But he does not do that with his own life. He uses that of a woman he had loved.
Harry is over Susan before Changes. (Laura noted that when he was no longer poison to her). So this decision was not as angst ridden as we would hope. Nor was the decision to place his daughter in foster care with someone who he would never know. Clearly he realizes that he is no person to act to raise the daughter he helped to create. He can only hope that she either has NO magical ability, or that no one ever discovers her parentage. If it does express itself, Hopefully the Paranet will catch her before she becomes an unfortunate victim of neglect. She will obviously never know her history (for her own good). How do you say to a lovely young woman in years to come "Your mother who you never knew was killed to end a war"?

Many others have suffered because of Harry (Murphy, Michael Carpenter), and some have grown (Lash) and along the way he has helped save others. (Molly and Thomas). Some for a short time. Some for a longer time.
Interesting that Mouse chose Harry, not the other way around. The nature of the Foo Dog is something that Harry really never understands. Last seen with orders to "Protect Molly", it will be interesting how he helps to guide and support the new young Wizard.

As to Bob. Here is a real twist. The person most likely to inherit him is Molly. Which will be her undoing. Too young to really believe that she is not going to suffer consequences, she will find it irresistable to explore all that Bob can give to her. And Bob can give to her a Lot. She probably won't exhibit the maturity to realize how dangerous Bob really is. And if Luccio or McCoy discover it, either of them will eagerly dispose of the danger she would represent. Those people are NOT her friends.

Molly's wisest choice would be to engage with the Gatekeeper, and ask to become his apprentice. He (like her) heals both bodies and minds. Elements of her strongest power she should learn to use and grow with good sense. Perhaps, like Harry's History, we could see books written about her as the next arc of the Dresden Files.

So we have the end of a gifted drifter who is lucky, smart, and will leave behind a interitance of 2 Swords and a talking (to some people) skull. He was more lucky then skilled by all accounts. He played above his weight, Fought the good fight, Won more then he lost. and had some peculiar associations along the way.

SO the game is who will inherit the relationships, knowledge and few items of value which he leaves behind? And what will become of them?  And of the people who were key to so many pieces of this little Dresden Universe. That is the challenge for Jim now.

I think that is the subject for all future books.

Good Bye Harry. God's Rest to you.

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