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Messages - frankiebgoode

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Keeping track of characters...
« on: March 27, 2009, 02:35:23 AM »
I have two systems going and I'm not really sure which works best.

The first one is that I have a notebook full of character descriptions and my subplots with the minor characters are detailed in short segments after I've written a brief backstory. I also scribble down other important things in the last few pages of the notebook. It isn't terribly organized though, which can be a problem when I'm trying to remember one of the very minor characters for a mention or something.

The second system I have is a lot like meg_evonne's, but most of the direct character information is in a Word document, short descriptions and personality traits, the rest is floating in my head. And then I use Excel to run a calendar where I detail important things that happen on the days where I have actually written stuff, or where things happen off stage and are going to get a mention, or I just have to know that they happened. It's a little complicated but at least I don't have to go back and read through everything to find stuff again.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: March 27, 2009, 02:24:06 AM »
Thanks Meg. I'll probably only comment when I have something interesting to say though.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: March 26, 2009, 06:25:05 AM »
I'm Frankie. I'm 22. I'm a lurker around these parts with the occasional comment to my name and I decided I'd introduce myself.

I've been writing in some form or another for about as long as I can remember, but I never really considered writing as a career until about 6th or 7th grade. Teachers and all that encouragement, you know, it felt easy for school assignments and such. I didn't really realize it was actual work for quite some time, and by then it was too late for me to try for anything else. And I'm sure if I did, I'd just go insane.

I've been writing Harry Potter fanfiction since the summer of 1998 during the long wait between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix. The majority of it is complete rubbish, but it's a way to hone my skills if nothing else. I got a poem published through Bemidji State University's New Voices program in 2005.

I'm about 90 pages into my first draft of a story I've had rolling through my head for two and a half years. I'm not exactly sure where it belongs as far as genres go. It's about a sixteen year old girl who begins to develop ESP, Precognition, Psychic Powers, what have you, after her parents are killed in an accident and she goes to live with her brother who's a cop. She begins having dreams about a serial killer and has to deal with the dreams, a dubious brother, overly encouraging friends, and the usual high school melodrama. It's set in Minneapolis and the nearby suburbs since I live in the area.

I have a few other concepts running around, mostly Mystery/Suspense or Fantasy that are still too obscure to really describe to myself let alone on here.

I suppose that's all I have to say.

I fully intend to be there. I just hope I have money. I only live about 20 minutes away on a good day.

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