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Messages - Chernobyl Princess

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: The Other Regional Commanders
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:11:38 PM »
Augh, I did know that Aghanistan is part of Asia and not the Middle East, that was a pre-coffee slip of the brain.

Thank you, Shaft, for the division of regions, that makes a lot of sense. I'm working with another GM who was stationed at Bagram on working out how the local supernatural powers interact with the local mundane powers. Luckily for me, I've got a few months before start of game to get the background research done.

Dresden focuses occasionally on the Eurocentricity of the white council, but as has been stated many times and places before, he's an unreliable narrator. He's just not around for meetings a lot, and really only interacts with a handful of other members routinely, many of whom aren't of European descent. So it's possible, even probable, that he's filtering his perceptions through a pretty basic "I don't like the white council, I also don't like racism, therefore the white council must be racist!" construct.

Either way, I think having more active Wardens running about complicating matters for the PCs probably will make for a more interesting game. And as Haru says, the potential in the area for warlocks causing chaos is super high, so it really makes sense. Thanks y'all!

DFRPG / The Other Regional Commanders
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:39:24 PM »
Hello y'all!

I'm running with a terrible idea I had for a Dresden game set in Afghanistan. Players are starting in Bagram and things only get worse from there. I've been looking about for references to Warden regional commanders for locations outside the US, but I haven't had much luck. My impulse is to say "The White Council Doesn't Care About Brown People," which is at least what Dresden, unreliable narrator that he is, tells us, and assume that there's only one Regional Commander for the entire Middle East. This works for my plot, but I'm not so sure how canon it is.

What do y'all think?

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