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Messages - Tipi

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: January 30, 2010, 03:49:06 AM »
Did you put up found poster/signs and find who lost it?
might get a good reading buddy out of it or something

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: May 03, 2008, 01:29:52 AM »
I guess it's splitting hairs but I didn't find him in the ways on the poll...

I'd seen his books, but hadn't read them
then I saw the preview and was really excited!

But what really led me to read them was the forum on
I mod a few of the forums over there and ran across a new forum for The Dresden Files.
I feel in love then!
The posters there told me about the books so I read them all before the show even premiered
Fell desperately in LOVE with Harry from the first chapter!

took me a year to actually come over here and start posting
But I seriously NEED someone who has read the books to talk to!

I got my sister hooked on them too, but she hasn't read the last 2 yet

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