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Messages - JohnPatrickMCP

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Alternate Locations for Dresden RPGs
« on: May 09, 2008, 07:41:56 PM »
Wardens in Britain would be horrendously busy people.

For bouns points you could work in lovecraftian ichy things.

DFRPG / Re: Alternate Locations for Dresden RPGs
« on: April 26, 2008, 11:10:45 PM »
Hey all,

It was mentioned earlier in this post but I am already starting to put together some material for Detroit as a setting.  In the words of Michael Bay "No city does urban decay like Detroit".  Plus there are a fair amount of local urban legends and spooky places.  Lets face it no matter how much they try to slap a pretty face on it detroit is still a place you don't really want to be alone after dark.  In the dresden files universe I see Detroit as what Chicago would be like without people like Harry and company keeping evil in check.  After the start of the war most of the Red Court vampires from Chicago relocated to Detroit and turned the city into a vampire stronghold.  A few brave, stupid, or powerful members of the council still live in the city trying to keep an eye on the vamps and hold back thier takeover of the city.  Meanwhile a secret society of mortals live and fight on the fine line between our world and the world of the supernatural.  Plus it has haunted cemetaries, indian burial grounds, a demonic herald of chaos and those are just some of the supernatural threats lets not forget dirty cops, crooked politicians, organized crime and gang violence.  Detroit's got it all.

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