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Messages - jasowat

Pages: [1]
Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: Codex Alera Timeline
« on: November 23, 2009, 08:55:01 AM »
Come up with your proof, or any rational justification to ignore probability, because until you do, you have nothing.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to read more interesting things; your passionate attempts to argue things that can't be argued have begun to bore me. 

You want a "rational justification to ignore probability"?  How about that this is a work of fantasy.  It is pretty much common practice in fantasy fiction to assume time runs pretty much the same as our own.  JB has no reason to make the measurement of time on Carna any different from our own, espescially without telling us.  That would be pretty pointless.  When he tells us that a character is a specific age, he expects us to know what that means.  I doubt he's sitting at home cackling evilly over all of our misplaced assumptions about his characters' ages.  To assume time a year in on Carna is different than a year on earth is just ridiculous in the context of the story.

That is my own "rational justification to ignore probability."  No, it has nothing to do with science.  Nothing to do with the speed at which the planet rotates, or goes around its sun.  Sorry, it's as simple as that.

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: Codex Alera Timeline
« on: November 20, 2009, 06:26:14 AM »
Why do you say they correspond with Terran years?  In a land where every human has enough water furies to use the fury-bound water faucets, the years could be longer and the humans age slower. 

All we know is that they are Aleran years.  I do recall that Butcher stated that they are "contemporary" but in fiction, there's always a +/- factor.

Actually, we have Tavi as evidence.  He had no crafting at all until he was about 20, but aged at a fairly normal rate.  There really isn't any reason to assume time doesn't pass at the same rate.

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: Codex Alera Timeline
« on: November 19, 2009, 12:18:59 PM »
I am making an assumption that FoC takes place at the same time as our own time.
That means that FoC takes place in 2004 AD (or CE)

Date in Our TimeDate Relative to Furies of CalderonEvents
9 AD1,995 Years beforeRoman 17th, 18th and 19th Legions plus Germanic opponents sent to Carna
10 AD1,994 Years beforeApia Founded on Carna
C. 500 AD~1,500 Years beforeFury Crafting Discovered
C. 1,000 AD~1,000 Years beforeHouse of Gauis becomes First Lords of Alera
C. 1,150 AD~850 Years beforeSenatorum founded & Gray Tower built
C. 1,500 AD~500 Years beforeChildren of the Sun destroyed in Feverthorn Jungle
1989 AD16 Years beforeGauis Septimus Wounded at the Battle of the Seven Hills
Gauis Septimus marries Isana

1989 AD15 Years beforeFirst Battle ofCalderon
Gauis Septimus Killed by Kalurus Brencis Majoris, High Lord Rhodes & Lady Invidia + others,
Gauis Octavian Born

1999 AD 10 Years BeforeGauis Sextus marries Attica Caria
2004 AD1 Day BeforeAmara ex Cursori and Fidelias ex Cursori begin final training exercise for Amara ex Cursori

I would like to flush this out more so posts and I will update as more info comes in I am stopping at the start of Furies of Calderon as we know what happens from there on out

Thaks Priscilla for the correction (but what are the odds that it was exactly between us)

In FoC Amara notes that Sextus married Caria three years ago.

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