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Messages - Ran

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DFRPG / Reading the preorder PDFs on the Kindle / Phones -- Briss
« on: May 31, 2010, 11:10:06 PM »
Maybe this can help someone else... :) I have no connection with this program aside from googling for something similar and using it a few days ago.

I was trying to read the digital versions on the kindle, and wow, that font was tiny! I could barely make it out. I went looking for a program I'd used before that cropped PDFs and turned them into images, but I found something much better:

The program I found, Briss, is a cross-platform program that'll show you all of your pages overlayed at once, even and odd, and you can draw rectangles. It exports as a cropped PDF file. I found going from the section name to the page number kept almost all of the margin notes, and that the cool center binding effect could be removed painlessly.

There's an option where you can draw columns, too, and it will make them into the right kind of pages -- but I didn't use that. The font is only a tiny bit bigger without the margins, but it made a huge difference to me; I can have the Kindle show the entire page at once and the normal text is no problem for me. (My eyes aren't good enough for some of the cursive on the example sheets, though; I have to rotate it to Landscape mode for that.)

I've also used the resulting files on my smartphone, an N900 -- it was gorgeous in landscape, and I preferred it to the Kindle except for a problem showing highlighted lines. I still can't wait for the hardcovers to arrive in the mail, but this makes it much easier for me to read in the meantime. :D

Nothing wrong with changing it up a lot -- that's a good point/idea, too. :) Even if I get a group together that starts at EndGame or another place, we could always change venue.

No luck with using my company's office (they closed it, long story ;)) but maybe that could work out, too. I can't decide if the idea of gaming with coworkers would be the most awesome thing or a scary thing.

Endgame Oakland is looking for two GMs to run DFrpg games at 1 PM on 10/7 (this is as of a tweet posted on May 4th).  Given that it is a Early July game, I think this is a "This game was just release" demo day (so I suspect they will have probably 6-9 tables that day).
Oh, cool! I emailed them about that and got an email back, so I am probably going to participate in it. If nothing else, this'll be a great way to meet other people who are interested... even if I was hoping to start a bit sooner. :)

I also requested to join that facebook group; seems like a cool thing anyway, even if it is dead. I tried a few meetup groups, too. Still, this is exciting -- and thanks to everyone for all the advice!

Thank you for all the advice, everyone! I think I'll swing by Endgame first; it's not that far from me (~30-50 minutes) and it looks like a great place to see even if I don't end up using it for games.

Thanks especially for the list of suggestions, Neko128; I'd never even thought of a restaurant before... although now that I think about it, a few times in College we talked gaming non-stop while swinging by fast food places, but that's a different thing. ;) Still, that sounds like a great idea too -- I can think of a few places I am a regular at that are slow some nights that might not mind. The library or renting space could work out great, too.

DFRPG / What are good places to meet/host Pen and Paper RPG games?
« on: May 03, 2010, 09:16:55 AM »
Hi! I've been reading over my preorder PDF's and was really interested in running a game; I've run a few D&D (2nd and 3rd) edition games before, likewise BESM (also 2nd and 3rd tristat), but ever since finishing College, it's been all online.

I was hoping to get a group together using meetups or somesuch, but my house is much too small to host a group with anyone larger than, say, pre-Changes Toot; can anyone recommend a good venue for this sort of thing? It seems too loud for a library and too private for a coffeeshop.

I currently live in a big city (San Francisco), so I imagine I have a lot of options... if I just knew where to look. I read some gaming stores let people game in the store as well, for instance. Anyway, any advice is really appreciated.

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