Most of all, though, competent translators are not cheap when working freelance. I'm one of the few with a full-time contract; I'm making okay money at it (in exchange for stability and reliability of paycheck - you'd be amazed at how many companies hire cousin Fred who took a year of language X back in high school to do their "translations" because it's cheaper that way),
Yeah, no kidding. I have vague aspirations of being a translator, but unfortunately, I'm more cousin Fred level in all of the foreign languages I've studied. Out of curiosity, are you a literary or technical translator? I know companies love to "save money" by hiring idiots to do the technical stuff, but I thought the problems with literary translation went beyond that--that there just isn't enough of a market in the US for translated fiction to support a proper crop of professional literary translators. It seems like everything really famous/good/important is translated by a professor and anything pulpy by someone with no creative writing skills. (Well, ok, not
everything, but it does sometimes feel that way.)