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Messages - leaper182

Pages: [1]
Episode Archive / Re: BS001 - The Mega-Minicast!
« on: April 09, 2008, 07:39:49 PM »

I'm somewhat of a new member to the site and the forum, but I've been a DF fan since Jan. 30th (my birthday).

I wanted to say that I liked the podcast -- someone I know runs an online radio show that usually lasts for hours, so I'm used to listening for a while. Very brief, got the news across.

You mentioned that the copyright was Fred Hicks and Mr. Butcher himself? I was going to ask why not do some radio plays with the DF characters, but if that's a legal no-no, I can see why not. It's a shame, really, because radio plays would be interesting to listen to.

(I thought "Princeps" was a "k" sound for the "c"? I'm guessing that Mr. Butcher is pulling from Roman history for the Codex Alera, so the term was familiar from my Civ classes, and the letter "c" tended to be pronounced with a hard "k". But! Mr. Butcher may pronounce it another way, and I'll be very quiet now.)

And now that I've rambled, I've got to head to work. Hopefully, I'll remember to check back here...

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