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Messages - stingray00alex

Pages: [1]
Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 18, 2008, 09:44:50 AM »
I didn't endorse Harry doing that, did I? I said he shouldn't.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 18, 2008, 06:18:06 AM »
(lmao at above post)

I am not allowed to go into any more museums with dinosaurs in it. Too much of a temptation.

I am not allowed to count cards at Casino's. This isn't magical, but I don't want to get beat up by Morpheus. Again.

Having sex with Mauve is not a good idea. Think icicle.

I'm no longer allowed to enchant Murphy into thinking she's Buffy.
a) Having done that, I am especially not allowed to tell her that Morgan is looking pale.
b) Having done that , I am under no conditions to give her a stake.

I am no longer allowed to enchant the word "communist" to Barack Obama's forehead. Not very politically correct.

I am not allowed to read the Codex Alera series again. No matter how well putting a mental Discipline Collar on Lasciel worked.

I am not allowed to raise an army of 10,000 Uruk'hai and give a inspirational speech. "This night! The land will be stained with the blood of the Red Court! March to South America...leave none...alive! To WAR!"
a) Even if I have a convinient tower to yell it from.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: June 17, 2008, 05:05:38 AM »
I will not hiss "It is inevitable..." at my enemies during battle.
a) Even after the battle.
b) Or before it.

I will no longer do Johhny Depp impersonations after being shot at by Denarions and hitting a reef.

I am not allowed to use an imitation of Sith Lightning on enemies.
a) Despite the opportunity to say, "You will pay for your lack of Vision."
b) Even if my enemy happens to BE a Sith.
c) I am, however, allowed to Force Choke Nicodemus. It's the best way to kill him. But I'm not allowed to say, "Apology accepted, commander," after his lifeless corpse hits the floor.

I will not try to make a single ring of power. I'll just have to make do with as many force rings as I can jam on.

I will not use Thomas to get women who are out of my league.

I will not swell my army of Z-lord's guard to epic proportions to try and conquer Chicago.
a) Or the world.

I will not accept the mantle of Winter Knight. It would make French Kissing arkward, to say the least.

I will not let Bob possess Mouse. No Peeps theater would be safe.

I am not allowed to call my blasting rod a wand.

I am not allowed to dress up as a Wizard on Halloween.

Molly is not allowed to shower in my hotel room anymore.

Author Craft / Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« on: June 10, 2008, 06:45:56 AM »
-Use a computer, old-fashioned typewriter, or pen and paper?

-Set aside a time every day to write?
No. When the mood takes me, or when I have a particularly good idea, or when I have nothing else to do and time to burn, I write.

-Force yourself to write something every day, even if it comes out stilted?

-Have an outline, or just start with an idea?  If an outline, how detailed is it?
I've despised outlines since high school english. I generally write without a written plan, but I have a layout somewhere mentally. Most of the time.

-Have a room or area specifically for writing?
Beauty of laptops, can go anywhere. Starbucks ftw!

-Play Queen or Queensryche to shut out the world, or do you need complete silence?
I write the same way I read: Anywhere, with any distractions. When I'm doing either of those things, I'm completely unaware of anything going on around me.

-Start with plot, or with characters?
I start with neither. I focus on ideas and concepts to guide my writing. For example, my current book focuses on Syntropy opposed to Entropy. All plot and charactes are somehow derived from that. I know, it's horribly vague and general, but I get my best plot elements and characters by using general concepts, usually antithesis's, as central ideas. Antithesis's? Antithesisii? Antithesises? Bah. To quote Dresden, stupid latin corrospondence course.

-Edit and re-write as you go, or when come to the end?
Definitely as I go. Particularly urgent ideas usually leave out such meager considerations as grammer when hurridly typed out, and the next day I usually make major revisions.

-Show your rough draft to others, or re-write first?
To others, I've gotten a lot of good feedback on my writing from it, which is especially valuable in my case because this is the first book I've undertaken. Other than English class essays, (I'm a high school senior graduating in just a few days), I've not received any review of my writing, until I decided to start writing my aforementioned book.

-Struggle most with dialogue, exposition, action scenes, or bridge scenes?
Dialogue for me is easy. Action scenes are my specialty. Bridge scenes are also not particularly difficult. No, what I have trouble with is the overall length of scenes. The problem isn't a lack of detail, it's that oftentimes my scenes are simply a tad too short, as if I'm trying to hurry to the next one. Character development is also something I need to practice, perhaps a symptom of my aforestated lack of cohesive planning in my writing.

-Talk about what you are writing to others?
Almost everyday.

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