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Messages - Bergi

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DF Spoilers / Re: Oh noes! Not another Cowl's identity theory
« on: August 28, 2017, 05:14:47 AM »
Ok, two decent options how Billy got on Cowl's level.  One is boring and one has interesting implications.

First option is he made a deal with someone. Not much more to say here.

Second option is that scientific knowledge can boost magic skills. When Harry uses both Fire and Ice in Changes Lea is impressed,  but Harry just sees it as the same application of the thermodynamic laws. Scientific knowledge boosted his skills. Now Billy is much better educated in science than Harry. So Harry's science knowledge combined with his magic knowledge is at the same level as both combined on Billys side.

DF Spoilers / Oh noes! Not another Cowl's identity theory
« on: August 27, 2017, 06:30:56 PM »
So my favourite theory is that Cowl is future Harry, but recently I have been entertaining another idea:

Cowl is time traveller Billy and Kumori is his daughter.

So what leads to Billy becoming a dark overlord?

During one of the next Books (Peace Talks or the one after Mirror Mirror) Georgia dies. Billy is devastated and starts researching for ways to bring back the dead. In the last case file Harry defeats Cowl and recognises Billy. He hurries to Billy to stop him from becoming Cowl, but, when Harry frantically knock on his door, Billy panics and time walks away with his daughter.

So indications to this theory:

  • During Dead Beat when the Alphas approach Cowl runs away. This isn't because he is afraid of them, but he is afraid of a time paradox or at least Georgia recognising his smell
  • Additional during this scene Cowl chuckles about Harry calling him Darth Bathrobe. Billy is probably a fan of Harry's Humor.
  • After the Darkhollow blasting of in his face he was probably badly hurt. Billy is shown to have started developing self healing. He is the only character we have seen doing this on screen till now. (Although LTW probably can do this too.)
  • When first see the Alphas Billy proposes a plan to go ahead and kill the FBI Agents. He is introduced as liking the blacker solutions, but Georgia is his backbone and moral compass
  • Kumori probably never really gets to know Harry.
    So in Dead Beat she is curious about the guy her Dad told her so much about.
  • From narrative point of view this allows us to view Cowl's slow descent
  • Also from the narrative point of view, it us smart to introduce the main antagonist in the second book. The loup garou might get relevant again but I doubt he is a villain. That only leaves the Alphas.

So feel free to tear into this theory.

DF Spoilers / Re: Movie's and Music to the Dresden Files.
« on: August 13, 2017, 08:14:48 AM »
The Prodigy for the first few books:

Thunder for SF
Run with the Wolves for FM
Omen for GP

DF Spoilers / A really wild guess on Ferovax gift in GP
« on: August 02, 2017, 05:00:01 PM »
So if Cowl ends up being a time traveler could the gift be part of Ferovax Hoard from the future?  This would send an interesting message to Ferovax as he would know it can't come from a point in the past or the present.

It's saying, hey, we either killed you and got rid of the curse or you gave it to us willingly. So don't mess with us. We are either to strong or your friends.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has anyone put Nic's plan togther?
« on: July 12, 2017, 04:33:09 PM »
So my really wild guess about Nic:

Nicodemus was a very powerful wizard, when TWC was walking on earth. One day he kills a strange being which loses a coin, which he picks up. He gains a shadow and then tries to get rid of it. This leads him to meet TWC and become friends with him like Harry and Michael.

During their travels he learns about a powerful spell using 5 items from a dying man. Later he uses the spell, sacrifices his best friend and saves the day. But he is devastated. He wants to hang himself, he hears his neck snap and opens his eyes to find a smiling Uriel standing in front of him.

Uriel tells him that it is not his time yet. The spell he learned must be preserved and the knowlegde may never be spread to more than one person. Because the Archive exists it can never be written down so it can only be passed oral. The second problem is Anduriel who know the ritual too. Coins just hidden somewhere just reappear so Nicodemus has to keep the coin and serve as a human seal for him. To not  lose his sanity Nic is no longer able to use magic [Note: Harry fell under Lashs influence when he was flinging around large chunks of magic].

The noose is a curse for Nic and not the people around him. He cannot find his final peace and the spell is powered by killing one person a year in a cruel way. Nicodemus is furious and if he has to live forever until he can pass on the spell and die, he can at least fight those who did this to him.

Note about Anduriel: The shadow is created by using the small amount of magic the shadow inhabits in Nicodemus head.

Well I have to agree with this theory. I have some ideas on possible fixes for problems with this theory.

First an idea that contradicts some of the points: Harry was the attacker on Arctis Tor with Lasciel's coin, which he fetched from the circle.  While doing this he realised that LC isn't fixed and that he has to be the one who did it. Sadly I don't have a good reason why Harry attacked.

For the alternative with Harry being part of the defence I came up with the following reasons: Something, which feeds on blood, is sealed under Arctis Tor, more precisely the court room. I think most of Mab's big scale rules are pure logical and so there has to be a reason why only blood shed is forbidden in her court room. When the blood of the ogre hits the ground in CD the whole ground begins to tremble, at that moment it seems logical as a mirror of Mab, but if a sealed something would be revealed, it still fits. If nemesis is really interested in freeing this being, the whole court room scene might be seen as a attack too. If Harry would have snapped and splattered the ground with the ogre, it would have been game over right there. One last hint at something under the court room is the trapdoor and Harry wondering what is down there.

About Thomas being the assistant I think it might be possible. I (and I think some others here too) have played with the idea of angels being wardens working across time lines. As hinted in Changes mouse belongs to this group too. So when Mouse and a time traveling Thomas (Alliteration so it has to be true) they are allowed to do so by the time wardens.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Current DR wardens
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:07:36 AM »
I think the original warden sword was Amoracchius since Merlin is supposed to have had his hands on it. To the cloak I don't have a clue. Maybe it was not a literal cloak, but a mantle?

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Religious Relics: What Are They?
« on: June 23, 2015, 12:21:47 PM »
About abilities for the placard: It could show the true name of anybody carrying it.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Fourth Holy Sword
« on: April 21, 2015, 04:13:39 PM »
About one of the swords "talking" to Harry i can't remember either.

About the Hellsword yes i mean Morgana's, it is one of those things still shrouded into much mystery.
And another point are the warden swords, they too are still not much explained. But i always had the impression that they were something that dates back to Merlin running around with a sword and somehow was created after his retreat. About the changing numbers of swords i don't have a problem with this, they are just something like power plugs one or two more or less are not important but too many would be bad. Maybe the knowledge about creating those swords makes you leader of the wardens, where Luccio hasn't found anyone worth it up to now.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Fourth Holy Sword
« on: April 21, 2015, 10:48:19 AM »
About the Hellsword:
Maybe it is not a sword, but the Athame. It is a equal trade to Amoracchius and Harry questions if it is in league with it. And i mean a evil dagger would be much more fitting for backstabbing evil guys ;) And since time is not really a matter to archangels before and after humans don't matter.

About the wardens swords:
When Demonreach waffles about the Warden he says that at first there was only one and then there were many. So what if Merlin locked away all the big bad guys and then realized that there are still plenty of bad guys out. So he picked up the shards he still had stored away safe and does some powerful magic on them that bends their purpose because now they are able to kill innocents. He then teaches the leader to be of the wardens how to make the swords and seals himself away.
Why is it such an hidden spell?
1) Making more swords would dimish the power because they all tap into one power source.
2) Bending the purpose of something this powerful could be bad
3) Knowing how to create something probably means you can undo it to.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Fourth Holy Sword
« on: April 20, 2015, 09:12:34 AM »
Maybe an idea that can be thrown in with this:
What if Merlin collected the shards and made new swords of them, swords for the wardens to come after him. And this is where the Wardenswords come from.

And something maybe against this theory:
Does Lucifer as a former Archangel have a blade too?

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