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Messages - quentra

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse game using World of Darkness rules
« on: February 14, 2009, 09:41:23 PM »
Well, the starting points of the conversion I think I've smoothed out, though that's only in theory. I still to need run some practical trials to see how it works in a game.

To facilitate that, I've starting a room on OpenRPG - Semiautomagic. If anyone's interested in trying out my conversions, feel free to drop by. It's on Veav I, and available most of the day.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Online?
« on: February 14, 2009, 07:26:53 PM »
Actually, I Mu* a lot, but I haven't heard of any Dresden mushes being set up. Or at least nothing showed up when  I punched Dresden Files into Mudconnector...

But as for online gaming, by far, I've found the best programs to use are either IRC or OpenRPG. OpenRPG in particular works great for tactics heavy games, with it's provided grid, but mIRC is easier to install and run for more story focused games.

DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse game using World of Darkness rules
« on: February 12, 2009, 08:27:02 PM »
Yeah, that's what I've been thinking. Changing a lot of the ways arete, quint, and the spheres interact. As for the Vampire side of things, I think just modifying the bloodlines into courts and giving them specific disciplines would help. Probably not gonna have a Werewolf sphere, and Changeling is gonna need a lot of modification, but Hunter works pretty well for the powered mortals, I think. Since black magic leaves a visible stain on your soul in the Dresdenverse, I'd probably introduce a humanity meter of some kind for Mages and Vampires.

I mean, yeah, I see Black Court as pretty much Nossie, and developing new types of vampire for the Courts isn't overly difficult. I mainly like the system since so much of it is already easily adapted to an urban fantasy setting, seeing as it is one itself. Also, I'm constructing the game using old World of Darkness rules, mainly because I haven't looked at the new ones. Is the system any better?

DFRPG / Dresdenverse game using World of Darkness rules
« on: February 11, 2009, 02:41:16 AM »
So, I recently started playing WoD, and got to thinking. The settings are very similar (not exactly, but pretty damn close.) With a few rules tweaks (No Paradox, etc.), I can see playing a Dresden game with the rulesets as very feasible. Y'know, until the actual rules come out. 

Thoughts? Anyone tried it yet? I can't see it as being too 'out there.'

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