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Messages - kilks401

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Common knowledge in fantasy
« on: April 08, 2008, 08:36:31 PM »
I generally read novels too fast to pick up on all the little world building things such as measurements of length.  I really enjoy when a fantasy book has a comprehensive glossary, since then I can simply look something up rather than having to flip through hundreds of pages to look for a reference, such as happens in the Wheel of Time.

If important information came up in the story randomly and was only included in the glossary, thats not good.  But has a tool, it helps me out.

*edited because I had multiple redundant examples of redundancy.*

Author Craft / Writing Excuses
« on: April 07, 2008, 05:45:08 PM »
At there is a 15 minute weekly podcast about writing. It's interesting, funny, and quick and its about the type of fiction that many people who frequent this board are undoubtedly writing.

I highly recommend checking it out, even if this weeks topic doesn't interest you because they are covering sub-genres of science fiction, check out other weeks because they talk about more broad topics generally. 

For those of you into the Wheel of Time, Brandon Sanderson, one of the people who host the podcast, is the writer finishing a Memory of Light. Howard Tayler, one of the others, writes the Schlock Mercenary comic strip.

Author Craft / Re: Seeking help. Am I just one giant walking cliché?
« on: April 06, 2008, 11:51:14 PM »
I agree a hundred percent with Cephis. Every writer I've heard talk about writing has said that in the beginning they were not good writers. I've even heard mention of the million words necessary to start to write well.  Don't become discouraged by poor receptions to your first attempt, just keep writing and working to improve.

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