Ok, but I though one of the reasons the Knights had free will was because they were the only one that could ignore sections of the accord. For instance they are allowed to kill someone of there own branch where the queens & ladies cannot.
Don't forget that in the last book Dresden winds up as both a Wadren and a Winter Knight. You know damn well that if he breaks one of the laws again the council will drop him no mater what Mab says.
As for the sponsor thing I've always seen that argument in the same light as "Guns down't kill people, People kill people." Granted the gray area would be to use magic to incapacitate someone then just put a round through their skull.
I think this whole thing was left vague for ST opinion but I wanted to see what some of the arguments were for or against the idea. So far I like the idea of gaining lawbreaker but not having the wardens hunting you down, directly.