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Messages - zakmo86

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Thanks everyone. So I have been doing it right. As long as someone is willing/is able to take stress or can soak incoming stress by taking consequences, a character is still in the game. All his stress can be full, as long as he has consequences, he isn't taken out. It isn't until at least one point of stress "gets through" stress boxes and consequences that a character is taken out. Though a character can concede before that happens.

I thought it was the other way around. That you were still in the game as long as you had consequences open. I didn't realize that you're taken out if all your stress of a particular type was filled, as long as you still had consequences. Hmmm... My entire life has been a lie...

LOL. Thank you guys for the clarification.

Concessions are the one part that I've always gotten right, it turns out.

I think I've been handling stress, concession/being taken out and consequences wrong. So I wanted to turn to the trusted Sages of DFRPG to clarify, correct myself and put this dark part of my life behind me if need be.

If your character runs out of stress boxes, is he taken out? OR if your character runs out of consequences and stress, is that a "taken out?"

Example: my character has two physical stress boxes, a mild consequence and a severe consequence open. If he takes one stress on the first exchange, then two more on the next one, he's taken out because he no longer has physical stress boxes to soak the damage. Right?

Or, same hypothetical character, but: his stress boxes are full, but he still has all his consequences open. He can use his consequences to absorb stress until all his consequences are used.

I know that a smart player would concede at a certain point under normal circumstances, but this is hypothetical.

Thank you for your advice and help.

DFRPG / Re: Most memorable Aspects?
« on: August 03, 2015, 07:35:03 PM »
These are all for my most recent character.

Irish-Chinese American Phoenix Scion: he has a rich heritage.

Granny Feng's Expectations: he's being constantly scrutinized by his grandmother for not living up to his "destiny." In our game, she's a Mab-level being, the opposing force of the Dragon in Chinese mythology. Once, when the GM was trying to use "ancient Chinese wisdom" on my character, I responded with something I read off a fortune cookie. It was kind of funny.

Ninja School Drop Out: my character likes to disappear, creep up on someone and whisper, "Ninja," in his or her ear.

DFRPG / Re: Fate Core / Atomic Robo conversion to DFrpg?
« on: August 03, 2015, 07:28:26 PM »
Has anyone seen this? >

I'm about to start a new game and I'm considering using the rules provided to convert to Fate Core. Has anyone tried them?

So I went and downloaded this and it makes me excited! I'm struggling to understand Skill Modes; it's probably because I've just skimmed through Atomic Robo. Why does the "WARDEN" Mode cost nine? There are seven skills in that Mode.

Also, how do you breakdown the benefits for Stunts?

The only part of this DFRPG to Core "conversion" I'd change outright would be swapping Will and Spellcasting. Spellcasting seems more "action-y," while Will seems more passive. Conviction, in my opinion, is the more "passive" skill when compared to Discipline. It was always a constant, while Discipline was the Skill you rolled.

I wanted to do a Fate Core conversion of DFRPG for games I ran. I'd want the Evocation elements to be more unique or have specific in-game effects. It would have been like in Stormcallers. An example would be blocks made with earth gained +2 duration. Or air gains a +2 when Creating Advantages like Flying Debris. Fire spells gain an additional boost from consequences where you set someone on fire (maybe it was an "upgrade" to the consequence you inflicted for fire). Some such nonsense.

My "home brewed" conversion never got to see any actual game play. If anyone has used these rules from the Codex, I'd love to hear about how it turned out.


 Thank you for your feedback.

So if I'm understanding correctly, a sponsored person might have a wand of +1 offensive power to (insert Sponsored Magic here).

I'll cut down on the elements, maybe just have some sort of purifying fire.

Good morning,

I'm in a game on Roll20 playing a phoenix scion. He has sponsored magic (we're calling it Phoenix Fire) that's sort of a modified version of Seelie Magic. This type of sponsored magic gives him fire, air, and spirit spells, and biomancy at the speed of evocation. It has "themes" like balance, growth, renewal, and rebirth. 

My questions are:

1. Does biomancy break the law of magic about transforming if you're only repairing or renewing the natural processes of a body? Such as closing a bullet wound or, maybe, regrowing a severed limb at the extreme? This isn't biomancy that transforms a person into a fish or anything. It's very similar to the Reiki/Healing Touch thing Elaine did in the books, I think. Did that break the laws of magic?

2. How do focus items work for sponsored magic? Using the fire magic part of Seelie Magic as the example, should it be a wand with a +1 offensive control Seelie Magic? OR +1 offensive control fire?

My GM disagrees with me on how these things should be handled, so I was just wondering for clarification. My automatic default is to go along with the GM until we get clarification.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


DFRPG / Re: Sacred Guardian (old vs. new)
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:28:26 AM »
It's with the temple dogs in Our World. Page 78.

Thank you!!!!

DFRPG / Re: Sacred Guardian (old vs. new)
« on: July 01, 2015, 10:55:06 PM »
I've never seen this power before. What page is it on in the book?

DFRPG / Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:05:43 PM »
I'm the GM of a Roll20 game and have a player whose character is a Spirit of Loss (or Regret). The Spirit has lost its memories and the player plays it very cheeky and brash. Especially where corporeal creatures are concerned.

During the final session of a story arc, the group was facing down a warlock who was attempting to summon an Outsider. Before the session, I gave the player a choice between statues his character could possess to use in the battle (a la Bob and lion statue in Skin Game). He chose a Buddha statue. Two players in the group snuck into the warehouse-lair of the warlock, while the Spirit/Buddha smashed his way through like an enlightened Kool Aid Man. The first round of minions he encountered ran away out of confusion and fear rather than being taken out from physical conflict.

The game gets better. As the other players are attempting to take out the warlock and his last minions, the ritual to summon the Outsider finishes and a portal to the Outside opens inside a magic circle. The other players are trying to figure out how to safely close the portal behind cover as the warlock and crew rain down magical attacks. From out of nowhere, the Spirit/Buddha rushes the portal, breaks the circle and launches himself at the Outsider. He narrated his high Athletics roll as him throwing himself through the portal, tackling the Outsider before it could come through to this side. For just a moment, I sat there with my mouth hanging open, thinking, "He just killed his character..."

But the player has one more trick. Earlier in the game I gave him and another player pins from the Summer Court that would transport anyone pricked by them into the court of a powerful Summer sidhe who was seeking a pair of twin sorcerers that had been brainwashed by the warlock. The players were suppose to save the twins and deliver them to the sidhe who would offer sanctuary. The player "pricks" the statue with the pin, transporting him to the court of this sidhe.

I stumbled through the rest of the combat in shock and glee. It was the funniest, most epic moment so far. It launched a new story line I hadn't really thought much about and now there's a Buddha statue collecting moss in the lands of Summer. In another session, the same player surprises me when he asks the spellcasters in the group to help him with a ritual to turn a portion of the NeverNever into his demesne. They were successful and now the game is going a completely different route than I first imagined.

This guy constantly surprises me in the best ways possible.


DFRPG / Re: NEW GM!! Help me make a player happy!
« on: May 29, 2015, 04:39:11 AM »
Just to put skill levels in perspective, getting a +1 in a skill reflects months or years of study.

This is a very rough guideline for education level (using Scholaship):

Average (+1): High School graduate, "Blue Collar" Trade School
Fair (+2): College Graduate, Bachelor's Degree
Good (+3): Advanced/Honor's Bachelor's Degree, Graduate Degree (Master's or PhD)
Great (+4): PhD and/or Multiple degrees, post graduate degree
Superb (+5): Leading expert in a field. 

One reading of a book will not bump you to the next level.  In D&D 3.5/Pathfinder terms, a +1 on a skill that uses a D20 for the check is probably equal to 3 to 5 points.

Wow. Now I feel super ordinary. I'm only a Fair. ;-)

DFRPG / Re: Character Concept Assistance
« on: May 28, 2015, 01:05:56 PM »
I'm always so impressed with the smart, creative responses from the posters here.

DFRPG / Re: NEW GM!! Help me make a player happy!
« on: May 28, 2015, 01:04:11 PM »
Thanks, everyone. He seems to have accepted my response for now. He's a really good player and I hated for him to feel robbed of his success in the Library. I'm going going to use these ideas and see what he says. Thanks again.

DFRPG / Re: Character Concept Assistance
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:32:23 AM »
You could model it with beast change or human form to represent the shift in skills or powers. I don't like demonic co-pilot as is,  but some variation of it. Like maybe it can project from your body and you can  share its senses which would allow you to make Investigation, Lore, Scholarship, etc checks when not physically present. For an additional X amount of Refresh you can manipulate objects,  people. Maybe make Fists attacks. For more Refresh, you can attempt to take possession of objects like Bob does or even people. But while you're sharing its senses, your body is vulnerable. You could also let beast change affect powers like the Sight.

I'm on a ta'blet. Please excuse typos.

DFRPG / Re: NEW GM!! Help me make a player happy!
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:31:56 PM »
Thanks guys!! This is helpful. If nothing else, at least I know Im not misunderstanding the rules.

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