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Messages - TgirlValentine

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Outline Help
« on: May 01, 2008, 05:41:39 AM »
I can't think of a circumstance in which I would choose to write to a length other than the length the story wants to be, that notion is very weird to me.  [ I can see how work-for-hire might need this, but nobody's going to be hiring me for that any time soon. ]

Well free writing is generally how i brainstorm, but i've found through writing of essays (yeah i know, not the same thing as a novel or even short story) that the true writing comes in the editing. It's gotta be how a sculptor feels when they get the statue roughed out and watch as their creation comes alive.

I've also come to understand in my journey, that i am easily overwhelmed, and the sheer amount of info needed to write a novel/series or even short story is somewhat overwhelming. My hope in the outline was not that it would "tie me down" to any specific length, but just give me a guideline. We all know that things change. That we'll get a "dramatic" idea that is amazing...but completely changes the outlook of the story/idea.

Anyway, i ramble. i'm off to bed (have i mentioned that i LOVE spell check LOL)

Author Craft / Re: Outline Help
« on: April 30, 2008, 03:26:04 AM »
... and what the story's main problem is. 

yeah...about that LOL. my story has been evolving for...well atleast 10 years in my head. I've got an idea of my characters, and their inter-relations. I have a "bad guy"...though it's weak (because some things changed for my characters) and a "super"plot? (as opposed to a subplot LOL..okay maybe a subplot) that seems a bit trite to me. I was hoping i could hammer it out with some sort of outline. But i suppose i'll just have to keep truckin as they say.

Author Craft / Re: Outline Help
« on: April 30, 2008, 03:23:20 AM »
JB himself actually has a really good article on his blog right now about this. Go here: Further down, he's also got more individual articles on the various parts of writing a story. I highly recommend you read it. Best advice I've seen in a long time.

I forget livejournal exists sometimes! thank you so much!

Author Craft / Outline Help
« on: April 29, 2008, 11:05:25 PM »
There was a topic on outlines, but it's been over 120 days old and i dont know how this board feels about "resurrecting" old topics.

So i'm a novice, if that, in the craft of writing. I'm a dreamer, so dont get me wrong i 've got plenty of ideas, but when it comes to writing i get stuck. It's not simple "writers block" as it is "writes insecurity of not being good enough for their own story" =0) i'm sure some here are familiar. SO i'd like to attempt outlining, but to be honest i'm not sure what all that entails. What are some "pre-outline" things i need to have in order to outline?

Thanks in advance for any help given.

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