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Messages - Noey

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Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Signing in New York, NY on 8/2
« on: May 27, 2011, 05:40:34 AM »
I'm gonna ask my friend Chris that was there for the NYCC dinner if he wants to tag along, too, so put me down for a possible plus one. I'm not sure if he'll be able to get the time/money, but we'll see. *fingers crossed*

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Signing in New York, NY on 8/2
« on: May 26, 2011, 10:29:00 PM »
I've gotta be there. This conversation earlier clinches it with a friend I'm visiting.

Me: So, what's your mom's name again? Because there's a signing in August and I could get one for her and your sister.

Her: You are about to be part of the family.

And I just got my vest for Dazed Walmart Employee! I just might have to take that Wednesday off so I can hit the city with twigs in my hair and Butcher books in hand!  ;D

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Character list
« on: March 26, 2011, 12:57:03 PM »
So his parents loved Black Flag. Who didn't, really?  :D

Just because it's a big world and I'm often confused by it, this is a question for our Marscon guest that posts here and there. I paid through Paypal, but should we be expecting anything to confirm that we're ticketholders besides the Paypal confirmation? An email, something in the snail mail? Smoke signals, a good old fashioned secret handshake?

If push comes to absolute no other choice shove, I can always amend my plans and pick you and Sue up on the way down, Shecky. If you're able to help me with gas to defray the cost and don't mind that my car's not huge, I'd be willing. Alternately, maybe me, you, Sue, whingnut, and Starbeam can throw in for a van rental and all drive down together.


*claps hands over mouth*

*runs away*

If there's still room for me, it looks like I can get the time off work and I'll throw in what I can for gas if you'll let me ride with you, Starbeam and whingnut. Put me on the list. :)

Pfft. Ehren has a lair within the shark that is so cool that Batman is now consumed with jealousy, and is now attempting entry by confusing the guard-shark by interpretive lightsaber dancing in order to fool them all into thinking he has furies, but Batman is no Tavi, sir. No Tavi! Therefore, Ehren wins.

Whether or not Ehren still required pants for this plan is up to your individual opinions.

Donating when I get home! I figure if I can something to Misha Collins and his crazy legs, Books For Boobs definitely gets something. I mean, I support books. I support boobs. Twofer! ;D

Right now, my search is on for a giant cocktail sword for a Za Guard costume, and dino costume to modify as Sue. I've already got most of what I need for Mrs. Spunkelcrief.  ;D

Nuh uh! Star just made her Constitution check. No re-rolling.  ;D

I went in faking a head wound. Apparently that was sacrifice enough.  :D

It was interesting because the visible part of the costume basically consisted of ordinary gray and black clothes and a noose, making it hard for people to realize I was actually in costume.  I got quite a few amusing double-takes from people who finally realized what I had around my neck.  

I didn't meet anyone not on the forum who actually recognized me as Nicodemus.  I mainly got comments in the form of "Don't kill yourself.  Spiderman 4 will be coming out soon."


I saw you, Knnn, but didn't get a chance to say hi! You cruised by the D&D tables while I was goblin whacking, and I saw the noose around your neck. My table thought I was quite odd when I said, "Nicodemus!" out of nowhere!  :D

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