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Messages - B33bl3br0x

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The Bar / Re: Holocaust denial in Turn Coat?
« on: October 06, 2020, 01:05:20 AM »
Luccio is not denying any of the atrocities committed by Germany during WWII.

Harry is admonishing the White Council for its policy of noninvolvement in mortal affairs, using as an example, interceding during the war against the Axis powers because they were clearly super duper evil because of what they did.

Her response is basically a "hindsight is 20/20" thing. Looking back, throwing in with the Allies would clearly put you on the side of good, but it wasn't so clear at the time. She's saying that while WWII was happening there were stories of atrocities being carried out everywhere (by both the Axis and Allies) and most of the stories that were being circulated [bold]during the war[/bold] ended up being untrue; that is, at the time there was no way to tell that the reports of the holocaust were true. Remember that the character was alive at the time.

It is a bit of a cop out on Luccio's part because the WC was in a position to examine the stories of atrocities. Even though there were a lot of them, determining the truth of them all would have been possible for the council, though it certainly would have occupied a lot of time.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine plot hole [BG spoilers]
« on: October 06, 2020, 12:05:26 AM »
if your paying attention it's there, not everything in the DF is simply spelled out for you. Lea had a plan, that plan included confronting nemesis, taking on the aspect of love was done intentionally, ergo part of her plan. Logic isn't rocket science thankfully,

The athame was the tool used to nfect Leah. Your reading suggests that Leah somehow knew before she got it that the athame was somehow conveying a seed (for lack of a better word) of Nemesis.  Yet later on in the series she spits about "treacherous gifts" which suggests that she definitely didn't know that the athame would nfect her.

I just don't buy it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine plot hole [BG spoilers]
« on: October 05, 2020, 11:00:28 PM »
that might be the plot hole... Leah took Susan's memory so as to aquire her love for Harry thinking love would protect her. I assume since it was foreign, and love for Harry the changer/starborn that it opened her for Nemesis through the knife when she thought it would protect her... Now we have a couple that we KNOW had true love for each other and one of them is Nfected... That's fishy..
I don't know what you're talking about at all. At what point does anyone propose that love protects against nemfection?

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine plot hole [BG spoilers]
« on: October 05, 2020, 10:34:02 PM »
If Justine is being possessed, how would Thomas have the True Love Protection from someone who wasn't really in control of themselves, or possibly even truly in love at all?

Though that does torpedo my theory that Nemesis can't possess mortal humans.

Thomas didn't have the protection, Justine had the protection because Thomas loved her. The protection is against being fed on by Wampires, there's no indication that Thomas ever actually had this protection (nor has he needed it thus far).

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone else... disappointed? [PT/BG spoilers]
« on: October 05, 2020, 03:37:14 AM »
One of the things that really bothered me in the PT book was Harry and Eb both talking about how Etri was going to be super pissed at Harry if/when he found out that Harry took Thomas.

This bothers me a lot. We've been hearing and hearing about how responsibility for an action carried out by an entity's agent is basically deflected upwards in the supernatural community. That is, if you're acting as someone's agent, responsibility for the outcome of your actions belong to whomever you're working for. Harry was Lara's agent in the kidnapping of Thomas, and so she bears responsibility for it, not Harry.

Etri is, as we know, super old school, and is so in line with this proposition that he lets Listen and the other turtlenecks go after the events of Bombshells. The rest of the svartalves seem to be as well.

If everything works like it's supposed to, Harry should be in no danger of reprisals from Etri or any other member of Svartalfheim for taking Thomas. And so this entire point of story is just completely out of place.

The scene with the Svartalves trying to enter Molly's apartment from below to get Maggie also seems entirely out of character for them as well. Given that they granted the apartment to Molly and all the provisions of the transfer being as they are, attempting to force such an entry seems...less than honorable.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine plot hole [BG spoilers]
« on: October 05, 2020, 02:56:44 AM »
I'm convinced that this is one of the things that happened the night of Bianca's party. If you remember, before that, Justine was with Thomas because she had a condition that made her basically insane, and Thomas feeding on her made her even out. Yet after Bianca's party she went for years without being fed on and she was just fine.

I've been convinced that Justine was be nemfected since nemesis was identified; it allows beings act against their nature, and Justine was suddenly this totally cool and put together person. I'm convinced that this is another one of the 'several things of significance' that happened that night, of which Harry was unaware. Her saying that it was when she started getting close to Lara was just another ploy, imho, to get Harry to think that Lara is the one who infected Justine (You know, since the ploy of getting Justine into the depths of Demon Reach was clearly failing).

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Fourth Holy Sword
« on: April 21, 2015, 06:36:32 PM »
Morgana's you mean?

[quote[About the wardens swords:
When Demonreach waffles about the Warden he says that at first there was only one and then there were many. So what if Merlin locked away all the big bad guys and then realized that there are still plenty of bad guys out. So he picked up the shards he still had stored away safe and does some powerful magic on them that bends their purpose because now they are able to kill innocents. He then teaches the leader to be of the wardens how to make the swords and seals himself away.
Why is it such an hidden spell?
1) Making more swords would dimish the power because they all tap into one power source.
2) Bending the purpose of something this powerful could be bad
3) Knowing how to create something probably means you can undo it to.

Problem is there is never a fixed amount of Warden's. Some years they might have 200, some years 188, some back up to 212...and so on. And it still doesn't help them if the Captain dies or becomes incapacitated, as we have seen with Luccio, because she hasn't taught anyone how to make them...there is no guarantee she will ever get her ability to do so back. So it would be prudent to teach someone new if she could, like Chandler for instance, someone with skill and a trustworthy reputation.

The fact that she hasn't speaks more to it being a personal ability of hers more so than a secret art lineage I think.
About one of the swords "talking" to Harry i can't remember either.

About the Hellsword yes i mean Morgana's, it is one of those things still shrouded into much mystery.
And another point are the warden swords, they too are still not much explained. But i always had the impression that they were something that dates back to Merlin running around with a sword and somehow was created after his retreat. About the changing numbers of swords i don't have a problem with this, they are just something like power plugs one or two more or less are not important but too many would be bad. Maybe the knowledge about creating those swords makes you leader of the wardens, where Luccio hasn't found anyone worth it up to now.

In White Night Luccio tells him that the swords are her design.

She smiled briefly. The expression had entirely too much weight and subtlety for a face so young. "The fact of the matter is that the swords the Wardens have used in your lifetime must be tailored specifically to each individual Warden. They were also all articles of my creation - and I am no longer capable of creating them."

I frowned and imbibed more coffee. "Because..." I gestured at her vaguely.

She nodded. "This body did not possess the same potential, the same aptitudes for magic as my own. Returning to my former level of ability will be problematical, and will happen no time soon." She shrugged, her expression neutral, but I had a feeling she was covering a lot of frustration and bitterness. "Until someone else manages to adapt my design to their own talents, or until I have retrained myself, I'm afraid that no more such blades will be issued."
White Night Chapter 22

Doesn't that mean that there were no such swords before she created them?

[EDIT]I suppose the wording does allow for the possibility that they carried different, similar weaponry. Or even swords of a different design. Though given the history of man, before Luccio came into the picture swords were pretty much all there were.[end edit]

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