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Messages - DrTrommashere

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: November 18, 2008, 11:04:39 AM »
Okay, I figured I should intro myself...again (I introed myself almost a year ago here)

My name is Shao, I'm a 22 y/o Fire Fighter/Paramedic.  I didn't always want to be a writer, but you can blame that on my seventh grade English teacher who made us write a short story.  We got the assignment on the first day of school and we had to write at least a page a day for every day of school, 185 pages to be exact.  It was pretty non-structured, the only rules being we had to have at minimum 4 characters, a plot twist, and it had to be something that if we wanted to, we could go back and start writing a second story.

Needless to say, I wrote 300 pages of what I would now think to be a pretty bad story.  I thought it was phenominal then, and my teacher thought it was great, but being as if I was trying to write in a "non-fiction" kind of way, (Having nom-fictional ideas wrapped into one truly fictional story) it flowed pretty well, but to read it now, I cringe at every page...

Anywho, I was bit by the bug and I haven't stopped since.  I've now stuck with mostly fiction/fantasy/romance/sci-fi, but I'm also working on a book called, "Life Through a pair of Pink-Handled Trauma Shears" which is a non-fiction story about my life so far as an EMT/FF/Medic.  I have another story that is based upon a Star Trek RPG that I'm co-writing with a friend of's pretty jumbled right now, and I'm hoping to sort it out soon.

I might post links to portions of the stories soon, but I have to get up the cajones to actually do it.

Thanks for reading!


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