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Messages - MERC.KP

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: November 07, 2007, 02:38:14 AM »
I had seen his books in the bookstores and always found something I thought I would like better. I saw the series in the video store then picked up the first couple episodes then watched the whole series. I then went back to the bookstore and got STORM FRONT.  I enjoyed it enough to get the next book in the series and then I was hooked. I ve read all the Codex Alera books (I enjoy that type of fantasy more). I'm waiting like everyone else for Capatian's Fury and I'm gonig to start Dead Beat in a the next day or so when I finish my current book.  I just started reading Jim's books in September in between other authors.  But I am so glad for the TV series I might still not have found Jim's books if not for them.  I would have loved for the series to continue.  But as long as the books continue I'll survive.  But because I saw the tv series first I cannot picture Murphy with blonde hair but see her as the actress Valerie Cruz which is not bad (she is easy on the "mind's" eye).................. KP

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