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Messages - Branagon

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DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: November 08, 2018, 09:08:22 PM »
I've got a character concept.
It's a Ukrainian Ex-Mobster named Kristof who fled to Toronto becoming a taxi driver.
One day an Orthodox monk got in the back of his car and was killed getting out of the car at an old house by a red court vampire. His blood got all inside the car, so it's a holy relic. God has plans for Kristof, but all he wonders is why it is always his cab that gets the weird passengers. How would you build this character? I'd appreciate a high-refresh character. I'm not sure if he's a True Believer or a Pure Mortal.
I have a set of aspects.

Ex-Mobster in a Holy Cab
Invoke: Do something a mobster would do, have access to the cab. Compel: Get into the kind of trouble mobsters do.
God's Plan, Not Mine
Invoke: Have his plans go wrong, in a good way. Compel: Have bad things happen to him, that God would like.
There's Something in the Trunk
Invoke: Have something, like a gun, in the trunk. Compel: Have something be in the trunk when you need the space, "There's something in the trunk!!"
The Hitman is Now the Mark
Invoke: To act like a hitman Compel: To be hunted by his old boss, to end up fleeing from a fight.
We Don't Drive That Way Here
Invoke: To drive really well or do something else while driving. Compel: To not fit into Canadian society or get along well with other cabbies.
A Monk Remains
Invoke: To use the holiness of the Cab or to act like a Monk. He's the Monk that Remains. Compel: To have Orthodox authorities come to possess the Cab, or needing to prevent it from being desecrated.
There's Always Family
Invoke: To have an old family friend when needed. Compel: ... or that needs help.


p.s. feel free to critique the aspects.

DFRPG / Golden Fleece IOP - gamebreaking or cool?
« on: July 23, 2018, 06:46:07 PM »
Item of Power (Golden Fleece) [-2] -
                   Supernatural Recovery [-4]
                   The Catch (Attacks of a lover) [+0]
                   One time discount [+2]

The issue is in the exchanging of this item among PCs. Would this jeopardize game balance?

DFRPG / Re: New to DFRPG: Looking for rules clerifications and ideas
« on: June 17, 2016, 07:32:03 PM »
Thank you everyone for your responses. Sorry for my late reply its midterm session.

Starting your first adventure with everyone as Pure Mortal until you get the game mechanics under your belt works well.  Also, if they haven't read the books or know anything about the setting, having them be Vanilla Mortal means they don't NEED to know anything about the setting.  The players can learn about it at the same time as their characters.

I really like this idea, Taran. I might even just keep the few adventures mortal as well (or at least seeming that way) until my people get the hang of FATE. I've decided to get everyone to read "The Basics" just so people have some idea of how fudge dice, aspects and skills work. Maybe start them with 5 aspects instead of seven. I'll just do Trouble, High Concept, Background and 2 Guest Staring aspects. Picking up rising conflict and our story when they become personally connect to the supernatural in some way. I'll have us do City Creation once we break into the supernatural world. Until then I'll confine myself to small scale stuff. Making people play mortals I won't make them play themselves.
I'm hoping that reducing the power level and having people read up a little will reduce the difficulty of introducing DFRPG on the fly that Haru pointed out.

Players are fine with starting as pure mortals.

Here are some questions I have:

1. I've been thinking about how to build PM characters that can be cool in a supernatural game. The main piece of advice given out on the forums in this regard seems to be hang on at about half of your refresh. Here are some ideas that might be cool or supernatural characters and threats might easily outshine them.
Here are stunt ideas:
1. Monster Hunter - +2 damage when satisfying Catches.
2. Blood in the Car - Guide My Hand but only for showing up in your car
3. It's all natural to me - use Scholarship for supernatural research but not spell casting.
4. Lawyer - allow Scholarship to complement Rapport and Intimation when arguing.

2. How should I feel about pulling stunts from other versions of Fate? Spirit of the Century and Legends of Anglerre specifically. They both have arguably a higher power level than dfrpg.

3. Does calm blue ocean apply to hunger rolls ?

4. One of my players wants to play a kitsune changeling. How would you stat up a kitsune ?

5. Are true faith characters under powered ?
They give up the PM +2 refresh for Guide my Hand which is great and Bless this House which is mediocre.

Thanks for your help.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: June 11, 2016, 08:11:56 PM »
Thanks for your help Sanctaphrax.
I created a new thread like you suggested.

My concern with the focus item limit is the Lore limit on focus item slots in one item on OS 278.

Any tips on teaching aspects through play?

I'm going to have my players read "The Basics" and "Harry's World" before we start play.
Maybe that is a good compromise.

DFRPG / New to DFRPG: Looking for rules clerifications and ideas
« on: June 11, 2016, 07:48:13 PM »

I've never played, nor ran DFRPG before. I and most of my players have some experience with RPGs (D&D, fudge ect.)

I'm about to GM a game for some friends set in our city and would like some input on characters.
This is just a short term game, so I can give people some experience with Fate before we commit to a longer term campaign. I was thinking of skipping the character and city creation phases.

To that end I'm creating DFs versions of the players as PCs.
Here are my ideas. I would especially like help with powers and stunts.
My players won't have read the books (DFRPG or DF), how much of a problem is that going to be ?
Any tips for teaching Fate through play?

1. An heir to an ancient roman house. Emissary of Power with magic gladius.
Connection to lost Legion??
2. A musician who discovers a magic guitar and a talent for evocations tied to music.
(Guitar is a gift from the Summer Queen)
Guitar IOP focus item (taking Refinement a few times). Could I have a stunt that lets you use Performance for power in Evocations or would that be too powerful. What about the Lore cap on focus item power?
Are Refinements only for wizards ?
3. A lycanthrope descendant of berserkers.
(How do I run lycanthropy in game, specifically how to choose when the moon is full)
Maybe let the player pick (with an aspect invoke) ?

I also have a math student and a physics student.
Maybe one or both of them pure mortal I want to emphasize that pure mortals are cool.
Maybe mathematical ritual power ?
7 refresh game  20 skill points.

Sidenote: Would you give the [+2] Human Form to a character who transforms involuntarily into a bear every night?


p.s. this is basically a repost from my post Sanctaphrax's "Request A Character" thread (thanks for your help).

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: June 10, 2016, 10:29:29 PM »

I've never played, nor ran DFRPG before.

I'm about to GM a game for some friends set in our city and would like some input on characters.
This is just a short term game, so I was thinking of skipping the character/city creation phase so I can give people some experience with Fate before we commit to a longer term campaign.

To that end I'm creating DFs versions of the players as PCs.
Here are my ideas. I would especially like help with powers and stunts.
My players won't have read the books (DFRPG or DF), how much of a problem is that going to be ?

1. An heir to an ancient roman house. Emissary of Power with magic gladius.
Connection to lost Legion??
2. A musician who discovers a magic guitar and a talent for evocations tied to music.
(Guitar is a gift from the Summer Queen)
Guitar IOP focus item. Could I have a stunt that lets you use Performance for power in Evocations or would that be too powerful. What about the cap on focus items.
3. A lycanthrope descendant of berserkers.
(How do I run lycanthropy in game, specifically how to choose when the moon is full)
Maybe let the player pick (with an aspect invoke) ?

I also have a math student and a physics student.
Maybe one or both of them pure mortal I want to emphasize that pure mortals are cool.

7 refresh game  20 skill points.



p.s. I'm unsure if this should be here or its own thread.

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